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September/October 2021

Sales & Marketing Issue

For the September/October 2021 The New Brewer, we present our annual Sales & Marketing issue. In this issue, we take a look at hot topics such as beer flights, trademarks and intellectual property, and pandemic-related adjustments that might become permanent changes, at least for one Colorado brewery.

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Sales & Marketing Issue

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Flight Plans

Beer flights are an inevitable consequence of an industry that urges experimentation and then provides an endless array of products to experiment with.

Sales & Marketing Issue

Featured Stories

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The New Brewer: Sales & Marketing Issue

Respectful Branding

There are many ways that a brewery can build, protect, and enforce its trademark rights while respecting the rights of fellow breweries and other companies.

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The New Brewer: Sales & Marketing Issue

Embracing Change

See ya later, paper menus! Change has been constant during the pandemic, and as we’ve rolled along, we’ve noticed some forever-changes that might have been for the better.

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The New Brewer: Sales & Marketing Issue

The State(s) of Craft Beer

Despite the fact that the culture and business of craft beer have been growing in each and every state over the decades, “craft” remains more developed in some states than others.

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The New Brewer: Sales & Marketing Issue

Life of the Party

Fermentation, whether vegetables, meat, grain, or other ingredients, is a fundamental force in our lives, as evidenced in this excerpt from The Fermentation Kitchen.

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