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July/August 2014

Technical Brewing Issue

For the July/August 2014 The New Brewer, we present our Technical Brewing issue. For this issue, we take a look at brewing-related topics such as barley varieties, water chemistry, yeast pitching, and improving shelf life.

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Technical Brewing Issue

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Flavor Impact

A multi-institutional group of researchers, farmers, maltsters, and brewers is slowly piecing together the links in a supply chain to develop new, flavorful malt varieties.

Technical Brewing Issue

Featured Stories

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The New Brewer: Technical Brewing Issue


This pale, top-fermented, unfiltered, effervescent, fairly low-alcohol, mildly tart, and slightly smoky wheat beer was all the rage in the city of Jena in 1800s Germany.

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The New Brewer: Technical Brewing Issue

Improving Shelf Life

As brewers reach into new markets, optimizing brewhouse performance and focusing on key indicators ensures greater shelf life stability without sacrificing time or capital.

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The New Brewer: Technical Brewing Issue

Calcium and Magnesium in Brewing Water

Calcium and magnesium play important roles in brewing water, but are typical recommendations for brewing water treatment appropriate for all brews?

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The New Brewer: Technical Brewing Issue

Taking Control of Cone-to-Cone Yeast Pitches

For many craft brewers, the only method of adding yeast to wort is by cone-to-cone pitching. But this simple method can result in highly variable fermentations.

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