One Change Can Make All the Difference: Create a Speak Up Culture to End Workplace Harassment

Webinar 2021
Speakers: LeBaron Meyers

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Why is the craft beer industry having an eruption of harassment issues? And more importantly, how can we move the discussion from awareness of the problem (#MeToo) to implementing the solution (#NotMe), so that everyone can be safe – physically and psychologically – and get back to what they love that brought them to this industry?

70% of people who experience harassment do not report it. #NotMe is changing that. Challenge everything you’ve learned about misconduct reporting systems, because none of them have worked—until now. Beyond the easy-to-use technology, the entire approach has been redesigned so anyone can safely and quickly report concerns they experience or witness, ultimately creating a speak up culture to prevent harassment and misconduct of any kind.

Referenced Resources and Links

About the Speaker

LeBaron Meyers

LeBaron Meyers, President & Chief Business Officer

NotMe Solutions

M. LeBaron Meyers is a connector, an innovative business development executive and a proponent of raising our collective emotional intelligence to best solve today's greatest challenges. As president and chief business officer of #NotMe, she's passionate about creating and sharing practical, scalable solutions that protect and empower employees and employers to safely and justly do their best work.

LeBaron's diverse background includes seven years in the corporate world of investment management, a year on the radio as a morning show host, a six-month sabbatical studying yoga in Southeast Asia, and eight years in the startup landscape of digital media and tech.

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