Are You Okay? Navigating Burnout, Secondary Trauma, and Mega-Threats as Agents of Culture Change

Craft Brewers Conference 2023
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Speakers: J Jackson-Beckham, Allessandria Polizzi

Forbes recently reported that 98% of Human Resources (HR) teams are burned out. That’s right; nearly all of us.

Given everything our teams have navigated the last three years, is it any wonder that most of us are feeling at the end of our rope? In this session, we will share some of the common hazards for those in the hot seat of driving culture change, as well as what practical actions we can take that have been proven to make a difference.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define and identify the signs of burnout, compassion fatigue, secondary trauma, and the negative effects of mega-threats Understand why we respond to workplace stressors the way we do Identify at least one way you can bounce back from challenges

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