Displaying results 901-910 of 7763

Donation Bill Proposed in Missouri

H.B. 1160 would allow the donation of beer to a charitable, religious, or educational organization for the sole purpose of being auctioned by the organization or institution for fund-raising purposes. Read More

MT Alcohol Taxation Bill Signed by Governor

Signed into law, S.B. 20 addresses a variety of tax issues related to alcohol beverages. Specific to brewers, it clarifies that licensed brewers selling directly to retailers, special permittees, or the public are liable for paying the tax imposed …Read More

Montana Alcohol Storage Bill Signed into Law

Signed by the Governor, H.B. 48 allows breweries, distilleries, and wineries to maintain and operate storage depots. Read More

Montana Beer Shipping Bill Heard in House

The subject of a House hearing following Senate passage, S.B. 75 addresses the registration of out-of-state breweries, certain sales and shipping of beer and revises laws related to beer shipped by beer wholesalers. Read More

MT Bill Addressing Payment Terms Amended

Amended in the Senate, H.B. 95 specifies, in part, that a brewer, beer importer, or beer wholesaler may not sell or deliver beer unless a retail licensee pays within 7 days of the delivery and may not extend more than …Read More

Small Brewery Defintion Bill Passes Montana Legislature

Passing both legislative chambers, House Bill 97, among several provisions, modifies the definition of “small brewery” to include brewers that produce not less than 200 gallons and no more than 60,000 barrels per year. Read More

Tax Collection Legislation Becomes Law in MT

Signed into law, H.B. 124 provides for the quarterly collection of beer, wine, and hard cider taxes. Read More

Food Retailer Beer Sales Proposed in MN

House Bill 1848 proposes an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution by adding a section authorizing food retailers to sell wine and beer. Read More

Massachusetts Tax Increase Proposed

S.B. 1860 seeks to increase the excise tax on all alcohol, with the beer rate proposed at $10.73/barrel (current rate is $3.30/barrel). Read More

Excise Tax Would Double Under MA Proposal

House Bill 2861 seeks to double the excise tax on alcoholic beverages. Read More

Displaying results 901-910 of 7763