Displaying results 891-900 of 7763

Amendments Proposed for NE Franchise Modernization Bill

Amendments have been proposed for L.B. 404 which provides for freely negotiated contracts between small producers and wholesalers and specifies that a franchise or agreement does not mean a small producer contract entered into or renewed on or after January …Read More

Channel Pricing Legislation Poised to Pass in NE

On final reading, L.B. 376 would, among several provisions and under certain conditions, allow channel pricing that differentiates the price charged for a product based upon the type of license held by the retailer and the primary use of the …Read More

Study on Liquor Availability Proposed in Nebraska

L.R. 84 calls for an interim study to examine different methods, including potential statutory changes, to address the concerns raised by restaurant, bar, craft brewery, microdistillery, and farm winery owners relating to receiving shipments of alcoholic liquor and the available …Read More

NV Sales and Transfer Bill Heard in Committee

The subject of a committee hearing, Senate Bill 108 authorizes a person who operates one or more brew pubs to sell at retail: (1) malt beverages that are manufactured on or off the premises of any of the brew pubs …Read More

Food, Events, and Tours Addressed in NJ Bill

Companions Assembly Bill 5270 and Senate Bill 3675 would allow craft alcoholic manufacturer licensees to sell non-alcoholic beverages and food or operate a restaurant on the licensed premises, coordinate with any food vendor, including food trucks, to provide food on …Read More

MT Collaboration Beer Bill Moves to House

Passing the full Senate, Senate Bill 312 would allow for collaboration beers and for brewers to serve beer not brewed on the premises if made in collaboration with another Montana small brewery. Read More

Small Brewery Defintion Bill Passes Montana Legislature

Passing both legislative chambers, House Bill 97, among several provisions, modifies the definition of “small brewery” to include brewers that produce not less than 200 gallons and no more than 60,000 barrels per year. Read More

Tax Collection Legislation Becomes Law in MT

Signed into law, H.B. 124 provides for the quarterly collection of beer, wine, and hard cider taxes. Read More

Mississippi Alcohol Tax Increase Dies

Dying in committee, House Bill 1728 sought to increase the sales tax rate on a variety of goods, with the proposal for alcoholic beverages being 8%. Read More

MS Ownership Restriction Expansion Before Governor

On the Governor’s desk, H.B. 1140 revises the types of manufacturers of beer, light wine or light spirit products that are prohibited from having an interest in wholesalers or distributor to include an entity that is the manufacturer of a …Read More

Displaying results 891-900 of 7763