Displaying results 81-90 of 7762

High Stakes while Dry Hopping

Dry hopping is a common practice in the brewing world. When something is so routine, it is easy to turn a blind eye to hazards and unsafe practices. In this session we discuss varying hazards that are associated with dry hopping, the benefits and considerations of different dry hopping techniques, and how to avoid one of the most common dry hopping blunders, the hop volcano.Read More


Clean Up Your Act! Safe CIP Practices

Cleaning in Place (CIP) is an essential component of the brewing process that allows us to thoroughly clean interior surfaces of our equipment without major disassembly. CIP involves corrosive chemicals and extreme temperatures. Listen to this session to learn how to CIP safely!Read More


Ergonomics and Stretching: Crafting Safety, One Move at a Time

Brewing is a physically demanding occupation. Understanding the importance of proper body mechanics and environmental design during brewing processes is vital in ensuring a safe work environment. Learn practical and simple ways to incorporate ergonomics and avoid serious injuries at your brewery.Read More


Unheard-of Safety Risk: Occupational Noise Exposure

This seminar dives into occupational noise exposure for the brewing industry, highlighting how to create a hearing conservation program, noise monitoring, audiometric testing, hearing protection and the responsibility a company has for safeguarding their employee's hearing health.Read More


Hazard Roulette: Emerging Topics in Brewery Safety

In this session, the co-chairs of the Brewers Association Safety Subcommittee, Rachel Bell and Zach Perrotte, will discuss emerging safety topics within the industry. Each rapid-fire mini lecture is designed to let you know about new safety considerations for your brewery.Read More

Employer’s Guide to Effective and Legal Interviews woman conducting interview with employee's guide resource cover

Employer’s Guide to Effective and Legal Interviews

Interviewing is a key part of making the right hire, but there's more to it than you might think! This guide will aid you in developing your interview process.Read More

Announcing New Draught Beer Quality Courses Draught Beer Quality Courses ad

Announcing New Draught Beer Quality Courses

The Brewers Association launches three new self-paced online courses about beer service and draught system maintenance.Read More

NH Brewpub Licensing Bill Approved in Conference

Both legislative chambers agreeing on a final version in conference, H.B. 1380 seeks to allow a licensed brewpub to hold an additional on-premise or off-premise license as long as the licensee does not hold any other type of manufacturing license. …Read More

Refillable Container Bill Signed by NH Governor

Signed into law, House Bill 1334 provides that where a licensee is authorized the retail sale of beer in a refillable container, such licensee, at his sole discretion, may fill such refillable container with his product regardless of the branding …Read More

PA RTD Bill Becomes Law

Signed into law by the Governor, S. B. 688 defines ready-to-drink (RTD) cocktails as a beverage, composed in part of distilled liquor, combined with other nonalcoholic ingredients, carbonated or still, by whatever name the beverage may be called, premixed and …Read More

Displaying results 81-90 of 7762