Displaying results 861-870 of 7763

Satellite Location Bill Intro’d in PA

House Bill 39 seeks to increase from two to five the number of storage licenses available to manufacturers to cover locations separate from the manufacturing facility to receive, store, repackage, sell and distribute malt or brewed beverages in the same …Read More

Wholesaling Prohibition Stalls in RI

Held for further study in Senate committee, S.B. 668 would prohibit all manufacturers of alcoholic beverages from holding a wholesaler’s license and from having any interest in a wholesaler’s license. Companion H.B. 5719 has also been held in committee. Read More

The SC Craft Beer Economic Development Act Amended

Amended in Senate committee, Senate Bill 566, the South Carolina Craft Beer Economic Development Act, provides that beer sold for on-premises consumption must be produced by the brewery on its permitted premises or transferred to the brewery, subject to the …Read More

TN Beer Definition Changes Bill Gets a Hearing

Companion bills H.B. 376 (scheduled for subcommittee consideration) and S.B. 304 seek to make definitional changes to the terms “alcoholic beverage,” “beverage,” “beer,” and “high alcohol content beer” to change alcohol by weight designations to alcohol by volume and in …Read More

Amendment Sought to NC “Bar” Definition

S.B. 489 amends the definition of “bar” to include a brewery, winery or distillery. Read More

RTD Bill Intro’d in North Carolina

Senate Bill 490, among a number of provisions, defines “premixed cocktail” as a drink containing at least one-half of one percent 11 (0.5%), and no more than eleven percent (11%), alcohol by volume and consisting of spirituous liquor premixed with …Read More

Quantity Discounts Considered in NC

S.B. 526 seeks to allow beer and wine wholesalers to offer quantity discounts to retail permittees. Read More

ND Event Permit Bill Stranded in House

Failing to pass the House, S.B. 2319 would have altered the parameters of special event permits for microbrew pub and brewer taproom license holders. Read More

ND Minors in Taprooms Bill Becomes Law

Signed by the Governor, Senate Bill 2363 seeks to allow, under certain conditions, an individual under twenty – one years of age to enter and remain in a brewer taproom. Read More

OK Franchise Bill Clears First Chamber

Now in the Senate, H.B. 1715 seeks to exempt brewers who manufacture less than 25,000 barrels annually from the provisions relating to the termination of beer distribution agreements, removes the ability to terminate an agreement with a beer distributor at …Read More

Displaying results 861-870 of 7763