Displaying results 841-850 of 7763

WA Cannabis-Alcohol Prohibition Advances in Senate

Passing initial Senate committee consideration, House Bill 1772 provides that it is unlawful under liquor statutes and the Uniform Controlled Substances Act to manufacture, import, offer, or sell a consumable product that contains cannabis or any form of tetrahydrocannabinol in …Read More

Agri-Tourism Resolution Adopted in WV House

Adopted in the House, HCR 79 seeks to create a plan of incentives to encourage small businesses based in agri-tourism, craft breweries, distilleries, vineyards, wineries, and other specialized agricultural tourism interests to locate or relocate to West Virginia. Read More

Festival Sales Proposal Earns WV Governor’s Nod

Signed into law, Senate Bill 534, among a host of provisions, would permit authorized brewers, resident brewers, wineries, farm wineries, distilleries, mini-distilleries, and micro-distilleries a limited off-site retail privilege at private fair and festivals for off-premises consumption sales; would allow …Read More

Alc/Non-Alc Labeling Bill Signed into Law

Signed into law, Senate Bill 173, among a host of provisions, requires the withholding of approval for malt beverage labeling and packaging to be sold by an off-premise beer retailer if the label or packaging for the malted beverage is …Read More

VT Container Legislation Moves to Senate

Amended prior to House passage, House Bill 158 seeks to require all manufacturers and distributors of covered beverages to participate in a producer responsibility organization that manages the collection and disposition of beverage containers. In addition, the bill would increase …Read More

Reciprocal Direct Shipping Bill Intro’d in Vermont

House Bill 272 seeks to limit the issuance of out-of-state malt beverage consumer shipping licenses to breweries that are located in states that allow Vermont brewers to acquire consumer shipping licenses. Read More

Satellite Location Bill Intro’d in VT

S.B. 107 seeks to allow holders of a manufacturer’s or rectifier’s license to acquire a first-class license to sell their products at a tasting room that is not located on property contiguous with the manufacturing location. Read More

VA Restricted Wholsale Beer License Proposal Becomes Law

Signed by the Governor, H.B. 2258 creates a restricted wholesale beer license that authorizes the licensee to provide wholesale beer distribution services to brewery and limited brewery licensees, provided that no more than 500 barrels of beer shall be distributed …Read More

Alternate Beer Distribution Model Bill Fails

Failing to advance from House committee, Senate Bill 885 directs the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority to convene a work group to study an alternative beer distribution program. Read More

Displaying results 841-850 of 7763