Displaying results 761-770 of 7762

Alc/Non-Alc Retail Display Bill Moves to Senate

Receiving a first reading in the Senate, H.B. 2502 provides that no retail establishment with a retail sales floor that exceeds 2,500 square feet shall display alcopops immediately adjacent to soft drinks, fruit juices, bottled water, candy, or snack foods …Read More

Alcohol Sales Tax Exemption Floated in NY

S.B. 6512 seeks to exempt from sales tax alcoholic beverages sold at retail by a licensed producer of alcoholic beverages to a customer where such sale occurs either at the brewery, winery, or distillery where such alcoholic beverage was produced, …Read More

Alcohol Tax Increase Vetoed by NM Gov

Falling victim to the Governor’s line item veto, provisions in House Bill 547 seeking to raise taxes on all alcoholic beverages has been stricken. Under the bill, the excise tax imposed on beer manufactured or produced by a microbrewer …Read More

Beer Definition Bill Intro’d in Wisconsin

Senate Bill 268, among many provisions, seeks to expand the definition of a fermented malt beverage to include any beverage that is recognized under federal regulations as beer, except sake or similar products. Read More

Brand Registration Fee Change Bill Passes FL Legislature

Passing both legislative chambers, House Bill 1459 provides that the annual registration fee of $30 for each malt beverage brand and label only applies to a brand or label that is sold to a distributor, not to a brand or …Read More

Brewer Licenses Change Proposed in New York

Advanced to third reading, Assembly Bill 6134 provides the liquor authority the ability to set the duration of brewer’s licenses, farm brewery licenses and restaurant-brewer licenses to three years. Read More

Brewers Association Advocates in Support of Funding for Hops and Barley Research

The Brewers Association recently worked with the House Small Brewers Caucus, along with the National Barley Growers Association, National Barley Improvement Committee, Hops Research Council, and Hop Growers of America to build congressional support for appropriations funding for hops and …Read More

CA Cider Production Bill Moves to Assembly

Passing the Senate, S.B. 788 seeks to remove the barrel production requirement that a licensed beer manufacturer must meet in order to manufacture cider or perry at the licensed production premises and to sell cider or perry to any licensee …Read More

Collaboration Beer Bill Before MT Governor

Sent to the Governor for action, Senate Bill 312 would allow for collaboration beers and for brewers to serve beer not brewed on the premises if made in collaboration with another Montana small brewery. Read More

Displaying results 761-770 of 7762