Displaying results 7681-7690 of 7762
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The New Brewer: Raw Materials Issue

Great American Beer Festival Rocks

Sold out two weeks beforehand, the Great American Beer Festival sets records for competition entries and beers available on the festival floor, plus much more.

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Sales & Marketing Issue

For the September/October 2008 The New Brewer, we present our annual Sales & Marketing issue, where we cover topics such as the brewer’s art, production-oriented education, airport brewpubs, coffee & beer, and brewpub operations.Read More

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Technical Brewing Issue

For the July/August 2008 The New Brewer, we present our annual Technical Brewing issue, where we cover topics such as automation, finings and chillproofing aids, wastewater, shelf-stability, and keg cleaning.Read More

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Industry Review Issue

For the May/June 2008 The New Brewer, we present our annual Industry Review issue, where we recap the 2007 performance of brewpubs, microbreweries, regional breweries, and large breweries/imports.Read More

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Craft Brewers Conference Issue

For the March/April 2008 The New Brewer, we present our Craft Brewers Conference issue. In this issue, we preview the Craft Brewers Conference in San Diego, and also take a look at craft brewing around the world.Read More

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Restaurants & Brewpubs Issue

For the January/February 2008 The New Brewer, we present our Restaurants & Brewpubs issue. covering topics such as women in beer, on-premises opportunities, craft ambassadors, beer & food, and packaging.Read More

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The New Brewer: Beer & Health Issue

Gluten-Free Beer

Almost 1% of the population cannot digest or tolerate a protein in grains known as gluten. For them, life without beer can be a lot less pleasurable and a lot more difficult.

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The New Brewer: Beer & Health Issue

Beer’s To Your Health

A first-of-its-kind symposium in the United States sheds more light on the science behind the emerging health benefits of the moderate consumption of beer.

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The New Brewer: Beer & Health Issue

Meet New NBWA President Craig Purser

The NBWA is ranked eighth on Fortune magazine’s most recent Power 25 group of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington D.C. We sat down with the man in charge.

Displaying results 7681-7690 of 7762