Displaying results 711-720 of 7762

OR Addiction Task Force Propsal Clears Committee

Clearing committee with amendments, House Bill 3610 seeks to establish the Task Force on Alcohol Pricing and Addiction Services to study issues related to alcohol addiction, including the benefits and drawbacks of imposing taxes on beer and wine. Read More

OR Beer Direct Shipping Bill Stalled in House

Failing a floor vote in the House, Senate Bill 616 would allow the holder of direct shipper permit to ship up to five cases of cider or malt beverages, each containing not more than nine liters, per month to an …Read More

RTD Bill Surfaces in Pennsylvania

Senate Bill 688 provides a definition of ready-to-drink cocktail to mean a beverage, composed in part of spirits, combined with other nonalcoholic ingredients, carbonated or still, by whatever name such beverage may be called, premixed and packaged in original containers, …Read More

The SC Craft Beer Economic Development Act Becomes Law

Signed into law, Senate Bill 566, the South Carolina Craft Beer Economic Development Act, provides that beer sold for on-premises consumption must be produced by the brewery on its permitted premises or transferred to the brewery, subject to the following …Read More

Proposal to Require Imported Alcohol to Move Through a NY Wholesaler Inro’d

Senate Bill 6724 would require that alcoholic beverages imported into state be first delivered to a licensed state wholesaler and maintained at a premises or warehouse operated by the wholesaler for a period of twenty-four hours. Read More

NY Brewer Licenses Change Proposal Moves to Seante

Now under Senate consideration, Assembly Bill 6134 provides the liquor authority the ability to set the duration of brewer’s licenses, farm brewery licenses and restaurant-brewer licenses to three years. Read More

Sunday Sales Change Proposed in New York

Now under Senate consideration, A.B. 6941 would permit beer to be sold for off-premise consumption between the hours of 3AM and 5AM on Sundays. Read More

OK Distribution Agreements Bill Now in House-Senate Conference

Now in conference committee after passing the House in amended form, Senate Bill 422 modifies the procedures that must be in place for a brewer to terminate a distributor agreement with any beer distributor to include requiring the brewer to …Read More

OK Franchise Bill on Governor’s desk

Now before the Governor after being substituted in conference committee, H.B. 1715 1) defines seltzer and modifies the definition of beer to mean any beverage containing more than 0.5% of alcohol by volume and obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of …Read More

MT Payment Terms Bill Signed into Law

Signed into law, H.B. 95 specifies, in part, that a brewer, beer importer, or beer wholesaler may not sell or deliver beer unless a retail licensee pays within 7 days of the delivery and may not extend more than 7 …Read More

Displaying results 711-720 of 7762