Displaying results 701-710 of 7762

Supreme Court Opinion Favors Position Taken by the Brewers Association in Important Trademark Law Ruling BA Jack Daniels Decision post

Supreme Court Opinion Favors Position Taken by the Brewers Association in Important Trademark Law Ruling

The Supreme Court's unanimous decision in favor of Jack Daniel's Properties vindicated brand owners' trademark rights and reflected the positions taken by the Brewers Association and other industry trade groups.Read More

New BA Member Benefit: 3 Tier Beverages and Nielsen IQ Dashboard BA Tier Dashboard x

New BA Member Benefit: 3 Tier Beverages and Nielsen IQ Dashboard

In partnership with 3 Tier Beverages, the Brewers Association is pleased to announce a new syndicated data dashboard from Nielsen IQ.Read More

How To Manage Off Flavors in Beer: Mousy Off Flavor Series THP Mousy ( x )

How To Manage Off Flavors in Beer: Mousy

Download this cheat sheet on detecting and managing mousy off flavors, also known as "THP," by the Brewers Association Quality Subcommittee.Read More

TN Beer Definition Changes Bill in Subcommittee

Awaiting subcommittee consideration, H.B. 376 seeks to make definitional changes to the terms “alcoholic beverage,” “beverage,” “beer,” and “high alcohol content beer” to change alcohol by weight designations to alcohol by volume and in the case of “beer” to allow …Read More

Texas Sampling Legislation Signed by Governor

Signed by the Governor, House Bill 3712 authorizes malt beverage distributors to give the owner or general manager of a retail account a sample of no more than 72 ounces of a new brand of beer before deciding to carry …Read More

VT Container Legislation Passes Senate

Passing the Senate with amendment, House Bill 158 seeks to require all manufacturers and distributors of covered beverages to participate in a producer responsibility organization that manages the collection and disposition of beverage containers. In addition, the bill would increase …Read More

Oregon Direct Shipping Bill Moves to Senate

Passing the full House, H.B. 2013 would fully open direct to consumer shipping from out-of-state producers and creates a direct to retailer permit for out-of-state manufacturers of malt beverages, wine or cider to allow manufacturer to sell at wholesale and …Read More

Displaying results 701-710 of 7762