Displaying results 6701-6710 of 7764

New Hampshire Seeks Commission to Review Manufacturing Processes and Retail Sales

With both New Hampshire legislative chambers agreeing to a conference report, House Bill 1415 seeks to establish a commission to review and consider alcoholic beverage manufacturing processes and retail sales at manufacturing facilities. Read More

New York Cuts Red Tape for Craft Brewers

As part of the second Wine, Beer, Spirits, and Cider Summit held earlier this year, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced an agreement with legislative leaders on a measure that will continue the state’s support of the growing craft beverage industry …Read More

New Hampshire amends Definition of Wholesale Distributor

New Hampshire’s Governor has signed into law, House Bill 1217 which amends the definition of “wholesale distributor” to allow purchases of beverages from nano brewery licensees. Read More

Homebrew Beer Sales at Fundraising Events Bill On the Move

Passing the California Assembly and amended in Senate committee, Assembly Bill 2609 would permit the removal and use of home brewed beer or homemade wine in connection with a bona fide competition or judging or a bona fide exhibition or …Read More

Continued Growth Amidst SKU Proliferation

One common worry I hear about in the craft beer space is the ongoing proliferation of SKUs. Is there enough shelf space? Are their enough tap handles? These questions typically are based on blunt measures, like the number of SKUs …Read More

Optional Alcohol Facts Labeling Guidance

The federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau has released additional information on the use of optional alcohol facts statements. TTB Information on Optional Alcohol Facts Statements Read More

TTB Loosens Formula Requirements

As a result of a petition filed by the Brewers Association in 2006 and continuing calls for recognition of commonly used ingredients and processes in brewing, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) announced it is exempting malt …Read More

Small BREW Act Continues to Gain Support

Small brewer excise tax recalibration legislation, The Small Brewer Reinvestment and Expanding Workforce Act (Small BREW Act) continues to gain support in both chambers of the 113th U.S. Congress. H.R. 494 was introduced on February 5 by Representatives Jim Gerlach …Read More

Displaying results 6701-6710 of 7764