Displaying results 6661-6670 of 7764

U.S. Brewery Count Tops 3,000

U.S. Brewery Count Tops 3,000

The American brewing industry reached another milestone at the end of June, with more than 3,000 breweries operating for all or part of the month (3,040 to be precise). Although precise numbers from the 19th century are difficult to confirm, …Read More

TTB Releases Information on Sugar Content in Alcohol Beverages

The Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) has made available a new set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding sugar content statements on alcohol beverage labels and in advertisements. The FAQs articulate, for the first time, a clear TTB policy on …Read More

TTB Launches Label Generator Tool

The Tax and Trade Bureau has developed the Label Generator Tool, a new resource to assist industry members in determining what changes can be made to approved labels without submitting a new certificate of label approval (COLA) application. Using this …Read More

Growler Law Signed by Minnesota Governor

Omnibus liquor legislation has been signed into law by the Governor. Among many provisions, Senate Bill 2336 allows those holding small brewer licenses to refill any growler with malt liquor for off-sale at the request of a customer. A brewer …Read More

California Bill in Assembly Seeks to Prohibit Coupon Exchange

Amended in the Senate prior to passage, A.B. 1928 has been returned to the Assembly for action. The bill seeks to prohibit a beer manufacturer or a beer and wine wholesaler from offering, funding, producing, sponsoring, promoting, furnishing, or redeeming …Read More

Homebrew Competition Bill in California Senate

Amended twice in the Senate following Assembly passage, Assembly Bill 2609 would permit the removal and use of home brewed beer or homemade wine in connection with a bona fide competition or judging or a bona fide exhibition or tasting. …Read More

Delaware Legislation Seeks to Allow Alcohol Sales at Movie Theaters

Passing both chambers of the legislature, House Bill 299 would allow for the sale and consumption of beer, wine and liquor at movie theaters, including consumption within the theater during a movie showing. Read More

Hard Cider Definition Expanded with New Maryland Law

Signed into law, S.B. 161 expands the definition of “hard cider” to include a beverage derived primarily from pears, or pear concentrate and water, containing at least one-half of 1% and less than 7% of alcohol by volume. Read More

Displaying results 6661-6670 of 7764