Displaying results 6251-6260 of 7765

Changes to Supplier-Wholesaler Contracts Proposed in TN

House Bill 706 and Senate Bill 686 clarify that contracts entered into or renewed by a manufacturer or importer and the wholesaler that is more than seven years in length shall be considered contrary to the public policy of this …Read More

Off-Premise Brewery Sales Considered in Texas

Companions Senate Bill 1386 and House Bill 3086 seek to allow breweries producing 225,000 barrels or less annually the ability to sell 576 ounces (equivalent to 2 cases) of beer in a single transaction once per month to customers for …Read More

Texas Bill Seeks to Limit Self-Distribution

House Bill 3389 would reduce the self-distribution barrel limit to 5,000 annually. Read More

Washington Bill Seeks Grocery Store Draft Beer Sales

Passing the Senate, Senate Bill 5280 authorizes the Liquor Control Board to issue an endorsement to a grocery store licensee allowing the sale of beer and cider in a sanitary container brought to the premises by the purchaser, or provided …Read More

Brewery Cider Sales Proposed in Washington

Passing the House, H.B. 1342 seeks to allow licensed microbreweries to sell cider produced by a domestic winery for on-premises or off-premises consumption. Read More

Sampling and Growler Sales Considered in West Virginia

Passing both legislative chambers, Senate Bill 273 permits licensed brewers and resident brewers to conduct non-intoxicating beer sampling and growler sales for off-premises consumption. Additionally, the brewpub bonding requirements are removed. Read More

Craft Brewing Growth by the Numbers

The 2014 craft brewing growth numbers were released today. I’m a big believer in data transparency, and I know that a lot of Brewers Association brewery members (and planning members) rely on these numbers to benchmark performance, apply for loans, …Read More

Displaying results 6251-6260 of 7765