Displaying results 6241-6250 of 7765

Distribution Agreement Terminations in OK

Passing the Senate, S.B. 690 provides conditions for distribution agreement terminations for non-resident brewers. Read More

Legal Venue Proposed for Distribution Disputes in Oklahoma

Senate Bill 691 provides that a wholesaler may not waive the application of state law as it pertains to distribution agreements with manufacturers of low-point beer and that the venue for disputes involving such agreements shall be in the district …Read More

Oregon Brewery-Public House Licensee Changes Proposed

Senate Bill 583 allows brewery-public house licensee to also hold off-premises sales license under certain circumstances. Read More

Legislature Considers Liquor Privatization in PA

Passing the full House, House Bill 466 seeks to privatize the sale of wine and spirits through the creation of 1,200 Wine and Spirits Retail Licenses. These licenses would be available to existing beer distributors for the first twelve months …Read More

Pennsylvania Package Size Restrictions Loosened

The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) released an advisory opinion clarifying existing law by informing brewers that they may sell “original containers” as long as the container contains at least 128 fluid ounces, for example a 12-pack, to distributors that …Read More

Bill Mandates Beer “Warehousing” in South Carolina

H.B. 3450 stipulates that a beer wholesaler shall not deliver beer to a retail beer and wine permit holder unless the beer has been received, unloaded, and stored or warehoused at its licensed premises. Read More

Spirits Direct Sales Legal in South Dakota

Signed into law by the Governor, House Bill 1004 would authorize the direct sale of distilled spirits from artisan distillers to retailers and wholesalers. Read More

TN Bills Seek to Prohibit Cross-Tier Interests

Companions House Bill 543 and Senate Bill 426 seek to prohibit, with limited exceptions, a brewer from holding a financial or ownership interest in either a wholesaler or retailer and a wholesaler from holding a financial or ownership interest in …Read More

Limited Retail Abilities Proposed in Tennessee

Companion legislation H.B. 605 and S.B. 640 authorize a beer manufacturer operating as a retailer to sell beer directly to another retailer if located in the same county and allows a beer manufacturer to operate as a retailer at the …Read More

Manufacturer Retail Abilities Reviewed in Tennessee

Advancing through several House committees, House Bill 639 makes applicable statewide, instead of in certain areas only, the authority for a beer manufacturer to operate as a retailer at the manufacturer’s location or a site contiguous thereto. Read More

Displaying results 6241-6250 of 7765