Displaying results 6131-6140 of 7765

Maine Tenant Brewer Bill Signed into Law

Senate Bill 39, allowing for up to 9 tenant brewers at a time at the manufacturing facility of a host brewer, has been signed into law. Read More

Iowa Bill Would Change Legal Drinking Age

S.B. 361 seeks to change the definition of “legal age” for purposes of the possession consumption, supplying, purchase, or sale of wine or beer to nineteen years of age or more. Read More

Powdered Alcohol Bill Passes Senate in Iowa

Passing the Senate, Senate Bill 123 would prohibit a person or club holding a liquor control license or retail wine or beer permit, or their agents or employees, from selling, giving, possessing, or supplying for human consumption powdered or crystalline …Read More

Beer Definition Bill Signed by Iowa Governor

Signed by the Governor, House Bill 131 provides that “Beer” means beer or high alcoholic content beer for the purposes of beer brewers and wholesalers. Read More

Brewery Food Permission Bill Amended in Indiana Senate

Significantly amended in Senate committee following House passage, H.B. 1311 would require brewers that are permitted to sell beer by the glass to make food available for consumption on the brewery premises. Additionally provides that the holder of a farm winery …Read More

Indiana Production Cap Bill Passes in Both Chambers

Passing both chambers of the legislature, Senate Bill 297 changes the amount of the barrels of beer that a microbrewery may manufacture in a calendar year for sale or distribution within Indiana from 30,000 to 90,000 and prohibits a small …Read More

Bill Would Allow Social Media Advertising for Retailers in Illinois

House Bill 3237 allows a manufacturer, distributor, or importing distributor to furnish free social media advertising to a person having a retail license if the social media advertisement does not contain the retail price of any alcoholic liquor. Read More

Arkansas Law Would Allow Satellite Taprooms

Senate Bill 1028 seeks to authorize native brewers’ satellite tasting rooms and the transportation of alcoholic beverages to satellite tasting rooms. Read More

New Arizona Law Increases Microbrewery Production Limit

Signed into law, Senate Bill 1030 increases the maximum production limit for a microbrewery from 40,000 barrels per location to 200,000 barrels in aggregate; requires a microbrewery that exceeds the calendar year limit for production or manufacturing of beer to …Read More

Kansas Bill Seeks to Raise Liquor Enforcement Tax

House Bill 2306 seeks to raise the liquor enforcement tax on the gross receipts of alcoholic beverages to 12 percent (from 8 percent). Read More

Displaying results 6131-6140 of 7765