Displaying results 6091-6100 of 7765

Oklahoma Refrigerated High-Point Beer Sales Stalls

Apparently dead for the session, Senate Bill 383 sought to allow liquor stores the option to sell refrigerated high-point beer. Read More

Small Brewer Exemption Threatened

Under House consideration, Senate Bill 688 require low-point beer manufacturers who assign a brand extension to assign the extension to the licensed wholesaler which has exclusive sales territory for the brand. The measure eliminates an exemption for manufacturers who produce …Read More

Prohibition of Cross-Tier Interests Becomes Law

Signed by the Governor, House Bill 543 prohibits, with limited exceptions, a brewer from holding a financial or ownership interest in either a wholesaler or retailer and a wholesaler from holding a financial or ownership interest in either a brewer …Read More

Manufacturer Retail Abilities Reviewed in Tennessee

Passed by both legislative chambers, House Bill 639 makes applicable statewide, instead of in certain areas only, the authority for a beer manufacturer to operate as a retailer at the manufacturer’s location or a site contiguous thereto. Read More

Distribution Provisions Considered

Passing initial committee consideration, Senate Bill 686 clarify that contracts entered into or renewed by a manufacturer or importer and the wholesaler that is more than seven years in length shall be considered contrary to the public policy of this …Read More

Direct Sales for Nanos Considered

House Bill 451 proposes to create a separate license for nano brewers of beer, to permit manufacturers of beer to ship their products directly to retailers, and to increase the maximum annual amount of beer or wine that a manufacturer …Read More

Sampling and Growler Sales Considered in West Virginia

Approved by the Governor, Senate Bill 273 permits licensed brewers and resident brewers to conduct non-intoxicating beer sampling and growler sales for off-premises consumption. Additionally, the brewpub bonding requirements are removed. Read More

Legislation Seeks Brewery Retail Expansion

S.B. 214 seeks to allow: a retail licensee to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on its premises; a patron of a craft brewery licensee, or brewpub licensee to exit with open containers of alcoholic beverages and consume alcoholic beverages anywhere …Read More

Small Brewers Gain New Sales Privilege

Signed into law by the Governor, Senate Bill 646 authorizes small brewery sales at off-premises retail sites. Read More

Connecticut Small Brewer Direct Sales Options Defeated

Failing to advance, House Bill 6078 sought to allow small beer manufacturers to sell kegs of beer directly to consumers. Read More

Displaying results 6091-6100 of 7765