Displaying results 6041-6050 of 7771

Craft Brewer Capacity

During the State of the Industry presentation at CBC, I presented some numbers on the general state of capacity in the craft brewing industry. Right now we estimate that there are roughly 34.6 million barrels of craft brewer capacity. Note …Read More

NY Bill to Help Small Brewers with Annual Returns

Senate Bill 4282 seeks to exempt brewers who produce less than 60,000 barrels of beer a year from the requirement to file annual information returns with the department of taxation and finance. Read More

Maine Bill Addresses Kombucha

S.B. 293 seeks to exempt kombucha, a fermented tea-based drink, from the excise tax imposed on malt liquor, low-alcohol spirits, wine and hard cider. Read More

Sponsors Continue to Grow for the Small Brewer Federal Excise Tax Legislation

H.R. 232, the Small Brewer Reinvestment and Expanding Workforce Act (Small BREW Act), was introduced in the 114th U.S. Congress on January 8 by Representatives Erik Paulsen (R-MN) and Richard E. Neal (D-MA). Joining as original co-sponsors of the bill …Read More

Displaying results 6041-6050 of 7771