Displaying results 5961-5970 of 7771

Reduced Filing Requirement Sought in New York

Passing the full Assembly, Assembly Bill 7106 seeks to exempt brewers who produce less than 60,000 barrels of beer a year from the requirement to file annual information returns with the department of taxation and finance. Read More

NY Powdered Alcohol Prohibition Advances

Passing the Senate, S.B. 1757 would prohibit the sale or offering for sale of any powdered or crystalline alcohol. Read More

Reva Golden to Co-chair Brewers Association Safety Subcommittee            reva 6

Reva Golden to Co-chair Brewers Association Safety Subcommittee           

Reva Golden, health, environmental and safety specialist at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research has been named as co-chair of the Brewers Association (BA) safety subcommittee. Golden will provide additional leadership for the very active subcommittee, sharing duties with co-chair …Read More

Small and Independent Craft Brewers Rally on Capitol Hill hillclimb feature

Small and Independent Craft Brewers Rally on Capitol Hill

More than 150 small brewery owners and state guild leaders climbed Capitol Hill on June 4 to tell the story of small and independent American craft brewers. After a briefing, the group set out to meet with 315 congressional offices, 153 …Read More

U.S. Congressman Scott Tipton Tours Pagosa Brewing Tipton Tour Brewers 2

U.S. Congressman Scott Tipton Tours Pagosa Brewing

While in his home district, U.S. Congressman Scott Tipton (CO-3) stopped by Pagosa Brewing in Pagosa Spring, Colo. Pagosa Brewing is a small-yet-growing brewpub located in southern Colorado. Head brewer and president Tony Simmons, along with members of his staff, gave the …Read More

Craft Update – Q1 2015

Welcome to “craft update.” The goal of this post (and future iterations) is to provide more timely updates of the craft beer industry along the lines of the State of the Industry presentation Paul Gatza and I give every year …Read More

Displaying results 5961-5970 of 7771