Displaying results 571-580 of 7762

Multiple Bills I’ntro’d in IL Addressing Alc/Non-Alc Retail Issues

Senate Bill 2625, House Bill 4203, and House Bill 4212 provide that no retail establishment with a retail sales floor that exceeds 2,500 square feet shall display alcohol-infused products and co-branded alcoholic beverages immediately adjacent to similar products that are …Read More

Bottle Deposit Bill Intro’d in Illinois

H.B. 4205 creates the Bottle Deposit Act and provides that, to encourage container reuse and recycling, every beverage container sold or offered for sale to a consumer in the State must have a deposit and refund value. Read More

Brewer Licensing Change Signed by NY Gov

Signed by the Governor, Assembly Bill 6134 provides the liquor authority the ability to set the duration of brewer’s licenses, farm brewery licenses and restaurant-brewer licenses to three years. Read More

A Review of Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Technologies Beer bubbles around the title A Review of Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Technologies

A Review of Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Technologies

Learn about the three unique sensor technologies used in the measurement of dissolved oxygen in beer: optical, polarographic, and galvanic.Read More

The Brewers Association Launches Online Beer Quality Training Brewer working in lab

The Brewers Association Launches Online Beer Quality Training

The Brewers Association developed a new certificate program to provide guidance on managing beer quality at a brewery.Read More

USDA Announces New Investment in Export Market Development crowd of craft beer enthusiasts at london beer event

USDA Announces New Investment in Export Market Development

The USDA has announced that it will invest $1.3 billion for a new export promotion and foreign market development program.Read More

Raising the Bar: American Craft Brewers Win Top Honors at Japan’s International Beer Competition Japan International Beer Competition beer Judge judging beer

Raising the Bar: American Craft Brewers Win Top Honors at Japan’s International Beer Competition

American craft brewers demonstrated their excellence in brewing with 36 awards at the 2023 Japan International Beer Competition.Read More

House of Representatives Elects New Speaker Beer in front of US Capitol Building

House of Representatives Elects New Speaker

After three weeks and numerous failed votes, the House of Representatives has elected Mike Johnson of Louisiana to serve as Speaker of the House.Read More

Techniques for Dissolved Oxygen Sampling and Analysis Beer bubbles around title Techniques for Dissolved Oxygen Sampling and Analysis

Techniques for Dissolved Oxygen Sampling and Analysis

Following best practice guidelines will ensure effective sampling for monitoring dissolved oxygen (DO) throughout the brewing process.Read More

Displaying results 571-580 of 7762