Displaying results 5551-5560 of 7771

Cooler Leases Proposed in Missouri

House Bill 2339 allows a brewer to lease portable refrigeration units to retail sales establishments at fair market value and allows a brewer to enter into lease agreements with wholesalers, who may then enter into sublease agreements with retail licensees. …Read More

Craft Brewery Board Created

L.B. 1105 creates The Nebraska Craft Brewery Board, a body tasked with establishing a public forum to provide any manufacturer of beer or producer of agricultural products used in the brewing process the opportunity, at least once annually, to discuss …Read More

Cider Production Proposed in NH

H.B. 1188 authorizes brew pubs to manufacture alcoholic cider. Read More

New Jersey Farm Market Sales

Assembly Bill 1949 allows the holder of a limited or restricted brewery license to sell beer at a community farm market. Read More

Direct to Retail Sales in NJ

A.B. 1951 authorizes restricted breweries to annually sell up to 1,000 barrels of beer to in-state and out-of-state retailers. Read More

Brewery Tour Promotion in New Jersey

Assembly Bill 1103 would require the Division of Travel and Tourism to advertise and promote tours of breweries in the state. Read More

NJ Brewery Events Clarified

A.B. 1718 clarifies protections and establishes requirements for certain activities and events hosted or conducted by limited brewery licensees on preserved farmland. Read More

Food on Brewery Premises Proposed in New Jersey

Assembly Bill 1950 would allow patrons of limited breweries to purchase food from a vendor not owned by the licensee, or from a restaurant or other type of food vendor off the licensed premises, to be consumed on the licensed …Read More

New Mexico Growler Sales Expansion Amended

Amended in committee to remove references to wine and cider, Senate Bill 163 would permit liquor license holders with package rights (rights to sell by the bottle for off-premise consumption) to fill and sell growlers of beer. Read More

Electronic Filing Required in NY

S.B. 6313 would require the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance to allow distillers and brewers to file their taxes electronically. Read More

Displaying results 5551-5560 of 7771