Displaying results 5381-5390 of 7771

Hiring and Brewer Retention: A Brewer’s Perspective

Hiring and retaining quality brewing staff is vital to being a successful brewery. This panel will discuss the critical factors involved in hiring and retaining strong brewing team members. The conversation is from a brewer’s point of view while acknowledging …Read More


Kilned vs. Roasted: Do You Really Know Your Specialty Malt?

Only two commercial maltsters in the U.S. operate roasters to produce specialty malt. This seminar will present a basic understanding of the malting process before delving into the differences between producing malt on a kiln compared to producing malt in …Read More


Malt Milling and Its Ramifications for the Craft Brewer

The milling of base and specialty malts has a significant financial and quality impact on your beer. A complete understanding of the milling process, the different types of milling equipment available, and the standard approach to evaluating and optimizing your …Read More


Alternative Marketing for Brewpubs

This seminar will explore non-traditional methods of marketing to increase revenue, improve operations, and build brand loyalty. Industry experts will discuss their ideas including spicing up your brewery tour, partnering with local organizations, and more. Read More


Beer and Food Boot Camp for Brewpubs and Brewery Restaurants

You’ve brewed the beer, but there is much more to successfully operating a brewpub or brewery restaurant. Join the discussion as a group of experts guides you through running a sustainable business model, including managing the operations, costs, training, staffing, …Read More


Crafting Your Brand

This session is designed to help you build and communicate a strong brand. Learn the framework through a case study of a Minnesota gastro-brewery, then learn how to apply these strategies to your own brand using a custom brewery branding …Read More

Craft Brewers Conference Seminar - Featured Image

How to Open Your Books to Employees and Grow Your Brewpub’s Profit

Having an engaged staff that is invested in your business can help your brewpub succeed. This panel will explore the upside of sharing your business’ financial information with your employees and teaching them how to use it. Learn the importance …Read More

Displaying results 5381-5390 of 7771