Displaying results 5291-5300 of 7771

California Looks to Relax Homebrew Law

Passing the Assembly, A.B. 2172 would permit the removal and use of home brewed beer in connection with a club meeting held on the premises of an authorized licensee. The bill would also permit club members to exchange and consume …Read More

Full Strength Colorado Beer Sales Measure Passes Legislature

On the Governor’s desk for action, Senate Bill 197 would allow full-strength beer sales in grocery stores. Phased in over a twenty year period, grocery stores would be required to buy the licenses currently held by liquor stores and …Read More

Connecticut Grown Beer Designation Proposed

Amended in the House and subsequently passed, House Bill 5580 requires the Department of Agriculture, in consultation with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, to develop certain guidelines to create a “Connecticut-Grown beer” designation by January 1, 2017. Read More

Direct Sales to Retail Proposed in Georgia

House Bill 606 provides that retail dealers may purchase up to 15 percent of their inventory of beer and wine directly from wineries and breweries without utilizing a wholesale dealer. Read More

Idaho Tasting Room Changes Become Law

Signed by the Governor, H.B. 649 brings breweries into alignment with wineries by allowing minors in tasting rooms. Read More

Barrel Cap Increase Approved in Kansas

Signed into law by the Governor, S.B. 326 increases the amount of beer that can be manufactured with a microbrewery license, allowing production between 100 and 60,000 barrels of domestic beer in a calendar year for each microbrewery license issued …Read More

Relaxation of Retail Rules Fails in Maine

After passing the House, Senate Bill 563 has died in the Senate. The bill sought to allow a manufacturer with a retail license to also sell its products for consumption off the premises of that manufacturer without the licensed …Read More

Alcohol Tax Filing Provision Sent to Governor in Maryland

Passing both legislative chambers, House Bill 648 requires the electronic filing of alcoholic beverage tax returns. Read More

Manufacturer License Changes Advance in Maryland

Passing both legislative chambers, H.B. 733 authorizes the holder of multiple manufacturer’s licenses at the same location to allow the sampling, sales, and consumption of products produced under the licenses at each of the licensed premises, consistent with the authorization …Read More

Brand and Price Promtion Approved in MI

Becoming law with the Governor’s signature, Senate Bill 667 would, among other provisions, allow a manufacturer, outstate seller, or vendor of spirits to provide brand logoed merchandise to an on- or off-premises retailer to promote the brand and price of …Read More

Displaying results 5291-5300 of 7771