Displaying results 4881-4890 of 7777

Farm Brewery Bill Passes Maryland Senate

Passing the Senate, Senate Bill 210 authorize the holder of a Class 8 Farm Brewery license to sell or serve any type of food (instead of only specified types of food) if the license holder is also licensed to operate …Read More

Maryland Class 5 Brewery Sales Altered in Proposal

H.B. 1283 repeals the authority of a Class 5 brewery to serve free beer samples, although a brewery may continue to sell beer for on-premises consumption under a Class D beer license which entitles the brewery to sell beer brewed …Read More

New Brewery Licensing Proposed in MD

H.B. 1420 establishes a Class 10 modern brewery license, holders of which may: establish and operate a brewery for brewing, blending, and packaging beer at the location described in the license and import beer from a holder of a nonresident …Read More

Single Location Brewery Sales Bill Introduced in MD

House Bill 1391 and Senate Bill 801would allow Baltimore County to issue an on-site consumption permit to a holder of a Class 5 brewery license (e.g. Diageo) that authorizes the holder to sell, for on-premises consumption, up to 5,000 barrels …Read More

MD Bill Seeks Increased On-Premises Sales

S.B. 1172 increases the amount of beer brewed by the license holder that a Class 5 brewery may sell for on-premises consumption each year from 500 barrels to 5,000 barrels. Additionally, a Class 5 brewery may sell more than 5,000 …Read More

MA Bill Favors Contracts over Franchise

Senate Bill 136 holds that, regardless of whether or not the parties have entered into a written agreement, relationships between a malt beverage supplier and a wholesaler shall be governed by the parties’ agreement, the law of contracts, and/or other …Read More

Distributor Termination Bill Intro’ed in MA

H.B.183 provides for the termination of a distributor in the absence of good cause by small brewer suppliers that are 20% or less of the wholesaler’s total sales in the prior calendar year preceding any refusal to sell, with binding …Read More

Brewpub Sales to Distributors Eyed in MA

House Bill 212 addresses the ability of pub breweries to sell malt beverages at wholesale. Read More

MN Bill Looks to Increase Production Cap

House Bill 1078 and Senate Bill 1279 seek to raise the barrelage production cap on breweries able to engage in sales of growlers and other types of vessels from 20,000 to 250,000 barrels. Additionally, the bill would lift the …Read More

On-Site Brewery Sales Bill Signed by MS Governor

Signed by the Governor, House Bill 1322 would authorize small craft breweries (annual production up to 60,000 barrels) to sell beer they produce on the premises of the brewery for both on and off premises consumption, limited to 10 percent …Read More

Displaying results 4881-4890 of 7777