Displaying results 4451-4460 of 7777

Brewers Association Files Additional Brief on ABI-SAB Merger

The Brewers Association (BA) has filed an amicus brief in federal District Court, asserting that: 1) The Proposed Final Judgment (PFJ) relating to Anheuser-Busch InBev’s acquisition of SAB Miller does not adequately protect the public from anticompetitive practices by Anheuser-Busch …Read More

Texas Court of Appeals Reverses T.G.I. Friday’s Label Decision

In a case brought by Mark Anthony Brewing against the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) challenging the TABC’s refusal to approve the labels for Mark Anthony’s T.G.I. Friday’s branded flavored malt beverages based on Texas’ ban on private-label malt beverage/beer …Read More

CA Governor Signs Bill to Expand Beer-Wine Shared Premises Abilities

Signed by the Governor, A.B. 997 allows a licensed winegrower and a licensed beer manufacturer that holds a small beer manufacturer’s license, whose licensed premises of production are immediately adjacent to each other and which are not branch offices, to, …Read More

Maryland Alcohol Task Force Releases Report

Comptroller Peter Franchot released the report Maryland Craft Beer: A World Without Limits detailing the findings of his Reform on Tap Task Force which has concluded its six-month fact-finding investigation into the brewing, distribution and sales of the state’s craft …Read More

Governor Signs Allowable Returns Bill in Michigan

Signed into law, Senate Bill 357 amends the Michigan Liquor Control Code to allow a manufacturer that sold direct to a retailer or a wholesaler to refund to a retailer the amount the retailer paid for beer or wine, as …Read More

Keg Tag Law Repealed in MI

Signed by the Governor, S.B. 372 repeals keg tagging and registration requirements originally put in place in 2011. Read More

Beer Store Highway Signs Considered in NH

House Bill 1489 would allow specialty wine and beer stores to be included on business directional signs on state highways. Read More

OK Looks to Extend Tax to Low-Point Beer

Passing the legislature, House Bill 1035 seeks to extend the existing mixed beverage gross receipts tax of 13.5% to low-point beer. Read More

Pennsylvania Exempts Kegs from Sales Tax

Signed into law, House Bill 542, among many provisions, exempts kegs used to contain malt or brewed beverages from Pennsylvania’s 6% sales and use tax. Read More

Brewery Visits Add Occasions to Help Grow Beer Category

As the volume going directly through breweries has grown, so has the concern from traditional on-premise retailers and distributors as to the effects of breweries on their business. Let me start by saying that some of these concerns are valid …Read More

Displaying results 4451-4460 of 7777