Displaying results 4381-4390 of 7778

At Rest Provisions Proposed in VA

House Bill 820 requires that before any wine or beer may be delivered to a retail licensee for resale, such wine or beer must first be delivered to the licensed premises of a wine or beer wholesaler, unloaded from the …Read More

Virginia Considers Altering Franchise Provisions

House Bill 910 would exempt the purchase of a brewery that manufactures less than 5,000 barrels of beer per year from the requirement that the purchaser become obligated to all of the terms and conditions of the selling brewery’s agreements …Read More

Bill Requires Brewing Capability for Sales in VA

S.B. 306 requires brewery licensees, in order to sell at retail the brands of beer that the brewery owns, to have on premises the equipment necessary to manufacture not less than three barrels of beer simultaneously and requires that at …Read More

VA Legislation would Allow Counties to raise Food & Bev Tax

Senate Bill 115 increases from four percent to eight percent the maximum tax that any county is authorized to impose on food and beverages sold by a restaurant, commonly referred to as the meals tax. The bill also removes the …Read More

Charitable Event Donations Relaxed by VA Bill

S.B. 756 provides that any brewery licensee may donate beer that it has manufactured and any (i) mixed beverage special events licensee or (ii) banquet licensee that is a charitable nonprofit corporation or association that is exempt from taxation under …Read More

Growler Sales and Definition Proposed in WA

H.B. 2419 authorizes a qualifying microbrewery to sell growlers of beer to the public at a qualifying farmers market and defines “growler” as a sanitary container brought to an authorized premises by the purchaser, or provided by a licensee, and …Read More

Wine sales at Breweries Considered in WA

S.B. 6008 adds wine to the allowable products a microbrewery may sell for both on- and off-premises consumption. Read More

Municipal Beer Tax Proposed in WV

H.B. 2985 would grant authority to municipalities to impose taxes on beer and nonintoxicating beer and on purchases of beer and nonintoxicating beer outside corporate limits of municipalities for the benefit of counties and municipalities. Read More

Sampling Expansion Considered in West Virginia

House Bill 2563 would allow licensed brewpubs and certain retail licensees to serve complimentary samples of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer manufactured in the State of West Virginia. Read More

WV Considers ABV Increase

H.B. 3074 seeks to increase the volume of alcohol that nonintoxicating beer and nonintoxicating craft beer may contain from twelve to eighteen percent. Read More

Displaying results 4381-4390 of 7778