Displaying results 4341-4350 of 7778

Alcohol Licensees Could Share Space in CA

Assembly Bill 1890 would allow a licensed craft distiller, licensed winegrower, and licensed beer manufacturer, in any combination, to share a common licensed area in which the consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted if the licensed premises of production are …Read More

CA Issues Advisory on Cannabis and Alcohol

California Alcoholic Beverage Control has issued an advisory on cannabis and alcoholic beverages regarding what activities are permissible on or in premises licensed by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to manufacture or sell alcoholic beverages. Read More

Glassware Giveaway Bill Advances in FL

Passing two Senate committees, Senate Bill 1224 would allow a malt beverage distributor to give branded glassware to vendors licensed to sell malt beverages for on-premises consumption. Further, it prohibits a vendor from selling the branded glassware or returning it …Read More

Florida House Moves Glassware Legislation

Passing initial committee consideration, House Bill 961 seeks to provide that a vendor licensed to sell malt beverages for on-premises consumption may accept glassware from a distributor, at no charge, subject to the following conditions: the distributor has received the …Read More

Tied House Advertising Prohibition Relaxed in FL Bill

Passing through several committees, Senate Bill 822 exempts from the “tied house evil” prohibitions a written agreement between a manufacturer or importer of malt beverages and an alcoholic beverage vendor for brand naming rights, including the right to advertise cooperatively. …Read More

Hawaii Beer Tax Reduced under Proposal

H.B. 2412/S.B. 2712 deletes the definition, for tax rate purposes, of draft beer and applies that tax rate of 0.54 cents/wine gallon to all beer. Currently, the non-draft rate is at 0.93 cents/wine gallon. Read More

Lower Beer Tax Proposed in HI

House Bill 2614 reduces the tax on beer to $0.42 per wine gallon of beer and eliminates the distinction between draft beer and packaged beer for taxation purposes. Read More

Bill would Establish Hawaii Craft Tax Credit

H.B. 2656 establishes a small craft beer producers income tax credit. Read More

HI Carryover Bill Seeks BAC Reduction

Carried over from the previous session, S.B. 18 lowers the threshold of blood alcohol content from .08 to .05 for the offense of driving under the influence. Read More

Hawaii Legislation Seeks Lower BAC

Senate Bill 2540 seeks to lower the threshold of blood alcohol content from .08 to .05 for the offense of driving under the influence. Read More

Displaying results 4341-4350 of 7778