Displaying results 4101-4110 of 7779

Meet the Legal Experts: Roundtable Discussions

Like brewing beer, beer law is both national and regional in nature. As a result, breweries come to CBC with many questions that go unanswered because there simply is not a seminar to cover it all. Come meet with legal …Read More


Menu Design and Pricing Strategy

From the dollar sign to the position on the page, little things can have a big impact on your bottom line. Join this fast-paced session to see how some small changes can add up to big bucks. Read More


Mind Bending Blending Techniques

A comprehensive look into the mechanical, mathematical, and artisanal aspects of beer blending. This presentation will address the multifaceted techniques, tools and calculations used to blend for consistency, label compliance, beneficial flavor, aroma, and tactile attributes as well as product …Read More


Myth Busting: Kettle Souring. The Appliance of Science

The kettle souring process is a commonly used method for creating refreshing sour beers in a relatively short period of time. The process, as commonly described, aims to create clean sour beers while minimizing the potential for off-flavor development. This …Read More


Navigating Hop Contracts in a Changing Market

A panel discussion on hop contracts, over and under contracting, the return of the spot market, and dollar cost averaging your hops Read More


Optimizing CIPs for Water Savings

Cleaning and sanitation within a brewery are critical to good beers; but these activities use a lot of water in the process. Speakers in this session have an incredibly amount of experience and knowledge that you won’t want to miss. …Read More


PCR Testing to Ensure Quality: A Panel Discussion

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a valuable analytical tool that can be used to test for spoilage bacteria and wild yeast in the brewery. This technology is more affordable and user-friendly than ever, and can dramatically improve microbiological control and …Read More


Planning for Automation

Automation is like any other large project: the more you prepare, the better your end result will be. Automating correctly makes your beer better, while doing it wrong will cause nothing but headaches. Find out what preparation is important for …Read More


Pulling Back the Curtain on Music Licensing

This seminar will pull the curtain back on music licensing and help you understand the legalities of using music in your brewery. We will provide an in-depth look at the Copyright Law and when a brewpub or taproom needs a …Read More

Displaying results 4101-4110 of 7779