Displaying results 3631-3640 of 7779

NM Excise Tax Revision Measure Signed by Governor

Signed by the Governor, S.B. 413 revises the excise tax rates for microbrewed beer, cider and craft distillers, with the beer rates revised from the single rate of $.41 per gallon to $.08 per gallon on the first 30,000 barrels, …Read More

Sales Reciprocity Bill Fails in New Mexico

Dying in committee, H.B. 603 sought to expand the sales reciprocity among licensed manufacturers of craft alcohol to include licensed craft distillers, thereby providing the right for small brewers, winegrowers and craft distillers to sell the products of the other …Read More

NC Self-Distribution and Franchise Addressed

Receiving favorable consideration in the House, H.B. 383 would allow brewery permittees that sell fewer than 100,000 barrels of malt beverages produced by the brewery each year to self-distribute up to 50,000 barrels of malt beverages manufactured by the brewery …Read More

ND Sales and Transfer Bill Signed into Law

Signed into law by the Governor, S.B. 2343 addresses retail sales and beer transfers for microbrew pub and brewer taproom license holders. Read More

OK Charitable Collab Bill Amended

Passing House committee with amendments, S.B. 936 creates a Charitable Collaboration Brewer License. The license authorizes a licensee to sell beer to beer distributers, qualified persons out of the state, serve limited and free samples of the charitable collaboration beer, …Read More

ABV LegislationSigned by Utah Governor

Signed by the Governor, S.B. 132 changes the definition of beer to increase the ABW from 3.2% to 4.0% (4% ABV to 5% ABV) and increases the barrel tax .30 cents to $13.10/barrel. Read More

ABV and Growler Changes Approved by WV Governor

Signed into law by the Governor, Senate Bill 529, among a variety of provisions, removes the two-growler limit per patron per day for licensees who sell growlers for off premises consumption; increases allowable growler size to no larger than 128 …Read More

Help Celebrate Homebrewing’s Biggest Day

Participate in Big Brew for National Homebrew Day on May 4 WHAT The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) will partner with over 300 breweries, homebrew shops, and beer clubs around the world on May 4 for the 22nd annual celebration of Big Brew. …Read More

Displaying results 3631-3640 of 7779