Displaying results 3611-3620 of 7779

Changes to Hawaii Draft Beer Regs Negotiated

Now the subject of a House-Senate conference, Senate Bill 772 seek to repeal the requirement that there be attached a clear and legible notice, placard, or marker upon the faucet, spigot, or outlet wherefrom the draught beer is drawn. Also …Read More

Contract Brewing Bill Signed by Idaho Governor

Signed by the Governor, S.B. 1078 allows a craft brew facility to contract with other entities wishing to brew at their facility. Read More

Bond Change Gets Thumbs Up from IL House

Passing the House, H.B. 2577 would exclude manufacturers and importing distributors that in the preceding year had less than $50,000 of tax liability from a requirement that they file a specified bond with the Department of Revenue. Read More

Brew Pub Production Abilities Move in Illinois

Amended in the House prior to passage, House Bill 3610 provides that brew pubs wholly owned and operated by the same licensee may combine each location’s production limit of 155,000 gallons of beer per year and allocate the aggregate total …Read More

Off Sales at State Fair Amended in IN

Amended in both chambers of the legislature, H.B. 1518 provides, among many provisions, that a holder of a permit for the State Fairgrounds may, if the permit holder is a small brewery, farm winery, or artisan distillery, sell the alcoholic …Read More

Direct Sales Bill Intro’d in Iowa

H.B. 572 seeks to authorize persons holding class “A” or special class “A” permits that manufacture beer to sell up to a total of 100 barrels per year of the beer it manufactures to retail beer permitees or retail liquor …Read More

Maine Labling Legislation Proposed

Senate Bill 66 requires that all malt liquor, wine and low-alcohol spirits products imported to, exported from or sold in Maine bear a label approved by the United States Department of the Treasury, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau …Read More

Excise Tax Increase Advanced in ME

House Bill 793, for the purpose of reducing the incidence of domestic violence and suicides, increases the excise taxes imposed on spirits, malt liquor, fortified wines and hard cider and the sales tax imposed on the sale of liquor sold …Read More

Brewery Modernization Bill Sent to MD Governor

Passing both chambers of the legislature, H.B. 1010, the Brewery Modernization Act of 2019, contains a host of provisions enhancing the retail, production and distribution abilities for several classes of breweries. Read More

MD Franchise Legislation on Governor’s Desk

Passing both legislative chambers and eligible for the Governor’s signature, Senate Bill 704 reduces, from 180 days to 45 days, the number of days that a brewery must wait after notifying a distributor of its intent to terminate or refuse …Read More

Displaying results 3611-3620 of 7779