Displaying results 3591-3600 of 7778

Brewers Association Safety Ambassador Leads OSHA Inspector Training

Brewers Association Safety Ambassador Matt Stinchfield conducted a three-hour training session on April 12 with 20+ OSHA inspectors at Sleeping Giant Brewing Company in Denver, Colo.Read More

Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act

The Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act of 2019 (S. 362; H.R. 1175) has been introduced in Congress. The legislation makes permanent the tax and other provisions passed as part of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act which …Read More

FDA Guidance Issued on Hops and the Produce Safety Rule

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued guidance announcing its decision to exercise enforcement discretion with regard to the Produce Safety Rule for entities growing, harvesting, packing or holding hops. The FDA’s rationale for exercising enforcement discretion …Read More

FDA Commissioner Weighs in on Cannabis-Derived Products

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a statement by FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD outlining the agency’s current actions regarding possible regulatory approaches for cannabis-containing and cannabis-derived products. Read More

TTB Extends Comment Period for Labeling and Advertising Rulemaking

The Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) announced a ninety-day extension of the public comment period through June 26, 2019 for Notice 176, Modernization of the Labeling and Advertising Regulations for Wine, Distilled Spirits, and Malt Beverages, which would update, simplify, …Read More

TTB Accepts Two Separate Offers in Compromise for Trade Practice Violations

The Tax and Trade Bureau has accepted a $2.5 million offer in compromise from Heineken USA for alleged violations of the Federal Alcohol Administration (FAA) Act. TTB alleges that Heineken provided some retailers with a proprietary draft system at …Read More

Brewery Modernization intro’d in Alabama

H.B. 151 seeks to: define “small manufacturer” as a manufacturer that sells, on an annual basis, no more than 250,000 barrels of beer, 100,000 gallons of table wine, or 50,000 proof gallons of liquor, and that is no more than …Read More

Arkansas Homebrew Bill Signed

Signed into law, House Bill 1877 authorizes a manufacturer of home-brewed beer to remove home-brewed beer from the manufacturer’s premises for personal or family use, including organized affairs, exhibitions, competitions, and tastings. Read More

CA Glassware Giveaway Legislation Considered

Passing initial committee consideration, A.B. 1133 seeks to allow a beer manufacturer, without direct or indirect charge, to give up to five cases of retail advertising glassware to an on-sale retail licensee, per license location, each calendar year for use …Read More

Minimum Production Bill Advances in CA Senate

Awaiting a full Senate vote, Senate Bill 21 seeks to lower the required minimum brewing production of a brewpub-restaurant licensee from 200 barrels per year to 100 barrels per year. Read More

Displaying results 3591-3600 of 7778