Displaying results 311-320 of 7762

Beer Definition Changes Advance in HI

Each bill passing its respective chamber, Senate Bill 2354 and companion H.B. 2522 expand the definition of “beer” under the liquor regulatory laws to mean any alcoholic beverage containing no less than 0.5 per cent alcohol by volume obtained by …Read More

Brewer Retail License Bill Passes ID Senate

Passing the Senate, S.B. 1364 consolidates the “brew pub” license and “retail” license into one “brewer’s retail” license and provides that a brewery can maintain their retail privileges should they exceed 30,000 barrels of annual production, provided that it has …Read More

Brewer Retail Expansion Bill Intro’d in IL

S.B. 3245 provides that any person licensed as a brewer, class 1 brewer, or class 2 brewer shall be permitted to sell on the licensed premises to non-licensees for on-premises or off-premises consumption (instead of for on or off-premises consumption …Read More

Colorado Alcohol Fee Considered

Senate Bill 181 seeks to impose a fee on alcohol distributed in Colorado to fund an addiction recovery program. The proposed fee for malt beverages and cider is sixteen cents/gallon, however, companies selling 60,000 barrels/year or less are exempt. Read More

Grocery Store Sales Bill Intro’d in CT

H.B. 5148 seeks to redefine “grocery store” for purposes of the grocery store beer permit. Read More

CT Considers Alcohol Sales Expansion

House Bill 5149 would allow beer manufacturer permittees to sell and deliver kegs of beer at locations in this state that are within a five-mile radius of their permit premises; package store permittees to provide fee-based spirits tastings; and Connecticut …Read More

Agritourism Bills Stall in Florida

Failing to advance from committee, Senate Bill 696 / House Bill 339 sought to prohibit local governments from adopting ordinances, regulations, rules, or policies that require certificates of use for certain agricultural lands, facilities, and venues or that limit certain …Read More

FL Malt Beverage Legislation Dies in Committee

Both bills dying in committee, House Bill 1107 and companion S.B. 1348 sought to authorize manufacturers of malt beverages to transfer malt beverages to another manufacturer for brewing under certain conditions; specify conditions under which licensed craft breweries may conduct …Read More

Draft Beer-Centric Relief Introduced in Congress

H.R.7577, the Creating Hospitality Economic Enhancement for Restaurants and Servers (CHEERS) Act, has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. The CHEERS Act would provide a tax deduction for bars, restaurants and entertainment venues with draft beer systems in …Read More

AZ Special Event License Proposal Advances

Now under Senate consideration, H.B. 2185, among several provisions, would allow a special event license to be issued concurrently with a microbrewery license. Read More

Displaying results 311-320 of 7762