Displaying results 2961-2970 of 7777

RI Brewpub Off-Premises Sales Expansion Proposed

S.B. 2715 seeks to allow brewpub manufacturers to sell bottles or cans of certain alcoholic beverages produced on the premises to consumers, not to exceed twenty-four (24) twelve-ounce (12 oz.) bottles or cans or twenty-four (24) sixteen-ounce (16 oz.) …Read More

Prohibited Actions Proposal Advances in SC

Passing initial committee consideration, Senate Bill 1099 seeks to provide that a manufacturer, brewer, or importer of beer shall not request or require that a wholesaler submit certain information for beer brands not manufactured, brewed, or imported by the manufacturer, …Read More

Festival permit Bill Moves in SC

Passing initial committee consideration, S.B. 993 creates festival permits to be issued to licensed breweries, wineries, and micro distilleries, authorizing them to sell their products and to provide samples for consumption at a festival for which a permit is obtained. Read More

TN Self-Distribution Bill Intro’d

H.B. 1722 and companion S.B.1753 seek to authorize beer manufacturers to self-distribute beer within a 100-mile radius of the manufacturer if the manufacturer brews 50,000 gallons or less. Read More

Beer and Wine Sales Bill Signed by WA Governor

Signed by the Governor, S.B. 5006 creates a new endorsement to allow wineries to serve beer and microbreweries to serve wine to their customers on-premise but restricts the offerings to three products and requires the products to be produced in …Read More

WA Brewery Retail Licensing Bill Becomes Law

Signed into law, H.B. 2412 changes the number of retail licenses a domestic brewery and a microbrewery may hold, from two to four. These include an on/off premises tavern, beer/wine restaurant, spirits/beer/wine restaurant, or any combination thereof. Also directs …Read More

WY Contract Brewing Bill Signed by Governor

Signed by the Governor, H.B. 82 provides for contract brewing. Read More

Wyoming Governor Approves Additional Microbrewery Location

Signed into law, House Bill 158 would remove a current restriction and allow a microbrewery to operate at more than one location. Read More

Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act

On December 20, 2019, the President signed into law the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, which includes a one-year extension (through December 31, 2020) of the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act (CBMTRA) provisions originally passed for a two-year …Read More

Displaying results 2961-2970 of 7777