Displaying results 2851-2860 of 7777

Engineering White Paper: Yeast Handling Systems yeast handling educational publication

Engineering White Paper: Yeast Handling Systems

This white paper is an overview of yeast handling systems, including how to design the optimal environment by which yeast is propagated, stored and pitched.Read More


2020 TTB Bootcamp: Labeling

The primary purpose of TTB labeling requirements is to make sure consumers get adequate information about what they are purchasing, and are not misled about its age, origin, or identity. To that end, beer labels must include certain information based …Read More

COVID-19 Impact Poll Part 3: New Sales Methods and Reopening BA20 COVID 19 1200x628 3

COVID-19 Impact Poll Part 3: New Sales Methods and Reopening

Participating in this survey will allow us to understand what new sales methods you are considering and implementing, as well as your plans for reopening.Read More


2020 TTB Bootcamp: Formulas

Some beers require TTB formula approval, and in this session you’ll learn how the ingredients and processes you use to make your beer impact whether or not you’ll need it. We’ll cover how to determine if your product requires a …Read More

USDA Public Hop Program Welcomes New Breeder new hop breeder program hero

USDA Public Hop Program Welcomes New Breeder

The Brewers Association is pleased to announce that Dr. Kayla Altendorf has joined the USDA-ARS public hop research program as of May 11, 2020.Read More


2020 TTB Bootcamp: Records, Reports, and Returns

The records you keep in your brewery fill a number of important needs. This session covers how brewery records feed into your operational report, tax returns, and tax payments. It also includes some tips on how to avoid problems that …Read More

Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act

On December 20, 2019, the President signed into law the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, which includes a one-year extension (through December 31, 2020) of the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act (CBMTRA) provisions originally passed for a two-year …Read More

BA Asks for Expedited Refunds on Unmerchantable Tax-Paid Beer

In a letter to Acting Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) Administrator Mary Ryan, the Brewers Association, joined by the Beer Institute and the National Beer Wholesalers Association, requested that TTB waive the prior notification and waiting period requirements associated with …Read More

Displaying results 2851-2860 of 7777