Displaying results 2831-2840 of 7777

Curside and Delivery Bill Signed by OK Governor

Signed by the Governor, S.B. 1928 authorizes retail spirit licensees, restaurants, wineries, and grocery stores to sell curbside and deliver alcoholic beverages in sealed original containers. Products sold in such a manner must be delivered by employees of the licensee. …Read More

Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act Enacted PPP Flexibility Signed by the President

Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act Enacted

On Wednesday May 3, the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 was passed in the Senate by unanimous consent.Read More

Encouraging Staff and Customer Social Distancing Compliance Encouraging Staff and Customer Social Distancing Compliance 1200x628

Encouraging Staff and Customer Social Distancing Compliance

Sarah Billiu provides tips for front of house staff and customers to assist in their journey toward and understanding of socially responsible behavior.Read More

Emergency Preparedness: Lessons from Brewers Emergency Preparedness 1

Emergency Preparedness: Lessons from Brewers

The Safety Subcommittee has provided six anecdotal scenarios showing how breweries dealt with natural disasters and the lessons they learned from those experiences.Read More

PPP Flexibility Act Passes the House Understanding and Ensuring CO2 Supply Quality for Brewery Use 1200x628

PPP Flexibility Act Passes the House

The bill addresses many concerns that the Brewers Association and our members have with the Payroll Protection Program loan forgiveness requirements.Read More

Breweries Slightly More Optimistic, But Challenges Remain BA20 COVID 19 1200x628 CrowlerPickup

Breweries Slightly More Optimistic, But Challenges Remain

The BA's third COVID-19 impact survey was targeted at probing what has helped and hurt breweries and how their outlook has changed over the past month.Read More

Guidance on the Creation of Standard Operating Procedures sop 1

Guidance on the Creation of Standard Operating Procedures

The new Standard Operating Procedures Guidance for Brewers was created to provide a concise and accessible outline for creating and maintaining SOPs.Read More

Standard Operating Procedures Guidance for Brewers standard operating procedures educational publication

Standard Operating Procedures Guidance for Brewers

Standard operating procedures provide instructions of any repeatable procedure and allow for uniformity, safety, quality, and accountability for complex but routine duties.Read More

New Engineering White Paper on Yeast Handling Systems New Engineering White Paper on Yeast Handling Systems 1200x628

New Engineering White Paper on Yeast Handling Systems

The Brewers Association Engineering Subcommittee recently released an educational white paper describing yeast handling systems for craft brewers.Read More

Displaying results 2831-2840 of 7777