Displaying results 2781-2790 of 7777

Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act

On December 20, 2019, the President signed into law the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, which includes a one-year extension (through December 31, 2020) of the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act (CBMTRA) provisions originally passed for a two-year …Read More

TTB Announces Extension of Beer Destruction Notification Waiver

Following a request by the Brewers Association to extend the previously granted waiver of notice requirements (through July 1) associated with the destruction of unmerchantable tax-paid beer, the Tax and Trade Bureau has announced that the waiver will remain in …Read More

Anheuser-Busch Receives Suspensions, Fine in Wake of TTB Trade Practice Investigation

The Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) has accepted a $5 million Offer in Compromise from Anheuser-Busch, LLC (A-B) for alleged violations of the Federal Alcohol Administration (FAA) Act. A-B has also served short suspensions of two of its Colorado …Read More

CO Brew Pub Retail Sales Change Before Governor

Awaiting the gubernatorial action, Senate Bill 194 allows a licensed brew pub to sell to the public in sealed containers for off-premises consumption malt liquors that are manufactured at a separate licensed brew pub under the same ownership as the …Read More

Alcohol Delivery Extension Sent to CO Governor

Passing both chambers of the legislature, Senate Bill 213 seeks to allow the sale of alcohol as part of delivery or takeout orders through June 30, 2021. Read More

Home Delivery Addressed in GA Bill

Before the Governor for action, House Bill 879 seeks to allow a packaged goods retailer to deliver malt beverages and wine in unbroken packages purchased by an individual for personal use to an address designated by such individual, subject to …Read More

Delivery Rules Relaxed in Louisiana

Signed by the Governor, Senate Bill 178 relaxes certain rules governing the delivery of alcohol. Under the bill’s provisions, third-party delivery companies would be allowed to use independent contractors in addition to their own employees, provides that only malt …Read More

MA Beer and Wine Sales Ballot Initiative Withdrawn

After being certified to appear on the November ballot, proponents have decided that no further action on Initiative Petition No. 19-14: Petition for a Law Relative to the Sale of Beer and Wine by Food Stores will occur this year …Read More

Tasting Room Sales Bill Advances in MI House

Referred to a second House committee after Senate passage, S.B. 665 would allow a brewer that is not a micro brewer and that produces less than 120,000 barrels of beer per year to sell its beer for on-premises consumption at …Read More

Displaying results 2781-2790 of 7777