Displaying results 251-260 of 7762

Lower BAC Bill Stalls in Hawaii

Failing to advance from committee, Senate Bill 2384 seeks to lower the blood alcohol concentration threshold for driving while under the influence of alcohol from 0.08 to 0.05. Read More

March 2024 Federal Legislative Recap Capitol building with text March Legislative Recap

March 2024 Federal Legislative Recap

Brewers Association Senior Director of Federal Affairs Katie Marisic provides an update on federal legislation relevant to craft brewers in this March recap.Read More

Brewers Association Submits Comments to TTB on Mandatory Labeling Issues Bottled beer with TTB logo

Brewers Association Submits Comments to TTB on Mandatory Labeling Issues

On March 29, the BA submitted comments to the TTB laying out the association’s positions on issues related to mandatory labeling for alcohol content, allergen, ingredient and nutritional information.Read More

mobile playlist icon Human Resources Snapshot man pouring hops

Human Resources Snapshot

Interested in the people side of business? This is a snapshot of recent human resources content from the Brewers Association.Read More

TTB Considers Major Labeling Revisions – Opportunity and Potential Peril beer labels going through production process

TTB Considers Major Labeling Revisions – Opportunity and Potential Peril

As the TTB looks at significant mandatory labeling changes, the devil will be in the details when it comes to realizing positive outcomes.Read More

Brewers Association Welcomes Largest Number of Brewery Start-Ups in Mentorship Program History  Spring 2024 mentorship cohort members

Brewers Association Welcomes Largest Number of Brewery Start-Ups in Mentorship Program History 

Learn more about the BA Mentorship Program's spring cohort and its mission to remove barriers to entry and advancement in craft brewing.Read More

Introduction to Human Resources Toolkit hiring process educational publication 1200x628 1

Introduction to Human Resources Toolkit

This "Introduction to Human Resources" Toolkit will help you jumpstart your hiring process and provide valuable strategies to retain the talent you have.Read More

Displaying results 251-260 of 7762