Displaying results 2531-2540 of 7771

BA Files Comments on Exempting Hops from Heightened Regulation

The Brewers Association filed comments in support of the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizing hops as “rarely consumed raw” and therefore exempt from the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, the Preventive Controls for Human Food …Read More

TTB Finalizes Rule on Malt Beverage Net Contents Labeling

As part of Treasury Decision TTB-165 effective December 29, 2020, the Tax and Trade Bureau has amended the labeling regulations to allow malt beverages to be labeled with the equivalent metric measure in addition to the mandatory U.S. measure. Read More

USDA Releases 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines

The U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS) have published Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. Published every five years, the guidelines purport to provide science-based recommendations designed to foster healthy dietary patterns for Americans of …Read More

AR Considers Beer Shipper Permit

H.B. 1066 establishes a beer direct shipper permit. Read More

Beer Sales Extension Considered in AR

House Bill 1161 authorizes a microbrewery restaurant private club to sell beverages manufactured by the private club directly to other permit holders. Read More

Delivery Bill Intro’d in Arkansas

Senate Bill 32 authorizes a retail liquor permit holder to deliver alcoholic beverages directly to a consumer. Read More

Craft Distiller Shipping Bill Considered in CA

Senate Bill 220 authorizes a licensed craft distiller to sell and ship distilled spirits directly to a California resident, who is at least 21 years of age, for the resident’s personal use and not for resale, under specific conditions. Authorizes …Read More

DE Bill Extending To-Go Abilities Advances

Clearing initial committee consideration, H.B. 1 would extend the ability of certain licensees to continue to sell alcoholic beverages as part of transactions for take-out, curbside, or drive-through food service so long as certain conditions are met and allows a …Read More

Brewery Pub Locations Bill Intro’d in DE

House Bill 45 seeks to increase from 3 to 5 the number of establishments at which a brewery-pub that is licensed in Delaware may brew, bottle, and sell beer. Read More

Delaware Hard Seltzer Bill Voted from Committee

Voted out of committee, House Bill 46 seeks to permit Delaware brewery-pub and microbrewery license holders to brew, bottle and sell hard seltzers and other fermented beverages made from malt substitutes and includes specific tax on fermented beverages. The language …Read More

Displaying results 2531-2540 of 7771