Displaying results 2031-2040 of 7771

Beer Transfer Bill Signed in Kansas

Signed into law, H.B. 2137, among a multiplicity of provisions, allows the transfer and receipt of bulk alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverage for canning and bottling purposes, authorizes the issuance of a drinking establishment license to manufacturers under certain …Read More

Direct-to-Consumer Studied in LA

House Concurrent Resolution 106 creates a task force to study issues associated with the direct-to-consumer shipment of wine in Louisiana. Read More

Louisiana Craft Brewers Recognized

H.R. 104 designates May 19, 2021, as Louisiana Craft Brewers’ Day in Louisiana. Read More

RTD Bill Becomes Law in LA

Signed by the Governor, H.B. 219 creates a definition for “ready-to-drink beverages” and provides for delivery of ready-to-drink beverages from restaurants. Read More

MD Governor Approves Delivery & Shipment Bill

Signed into law, H.B.1232 codifies the provisions set forth under Executive Orders issued by the Governor which grant alcohol delivery and shipment privileges and clarifies statutory provisions with respect to special event and off-premise permits by consolidating permitting language. Read More

Mixed Spirits Legislation Signed by MI Governor

A package of four bills addressing distribution, taxation, and other issues related to mixed spirit drinks (Senate Bills 141-144) has been signed into law. Read More

Tasting Room Bill Signed in MI

Signed into law, S.B. 49 allows a person to hold an on-premises tasting room permit and an off-premises tasting room license in conjunction at the same location under certain conditions. Read More

Microbrewery Bill Signed by MS Governor

Signed by the Governor, House Bill 1091 provides a definition of “microbrewery”: a person having a permit under this chapter to manufacture or brew light wine, light spirit product or beer in this state and who manufactures or brews not …Read More

MO Trade Practice Bill Before the Governor

Before the Governor for action, Senate Bill 126, among multiple provisions, would add the definition of “nonrefrigeration dispensing accessories” (which includes beer and gas hoses, faucets, taps, and other accessories necessary to preserve and serve intoxicating liquor that are not …Read More

NE RTD Definition Bill Approved by Governor

Approved by the Governor, L.B. 274, provides for a promotional farmers market special designated license, defines “ready-to-drink cocktail” and establishes a per gallon tax rate of ninety-five cents per gallon that is separate and lower than that for distilled spirits. Read More

Displaying results 2031-2040 of 7771