Displaying results 1671-1680 of 7765

Food in Breweries Bill Intro’d in NJ

A.B. 637 seeks to allow the consumption of food on limited brewery premises. Read More

New Jersey Farm Brewery Bill Proposed

S.B. 1215 establishes farm brewery and winery-brewery beverage license and permits farm wineries to produce hard cider. Read More

Low ABV Liquor Tax rate Proposed in NJ

Senate Bill 701 seeks to reduce the alcoholic beverage tax rate on low-percentage alcohol by volume (ABV) liquors with lower than 9.9 percent ABV from $5.50 a gallon to $0.12 a gallon, matching the tax rate for beer. The cider …Read More

Tax Credit for Brewed Beverages Considered in NJ

S.B. 847 would provide credits against the New Jersey alcoholic beverage tax to manufacturers of brewed beverages in the amount of qualified capital expenses paid by the brewer during the tax year. Read More

NJ Limited and Restricted Brewery Bill Intro’d

Assembly Bill 542 would allow limited breweries to sell products of certain other alcohol manufacturers for consumption off the licensed premises, coordinate with third party restaurants to provide food directly to consumers on the licensed premises, to host fifty-two on-premises …Read More

Second Direct Shipping Bill Intro’d in Hawaii

H.B. 2189 would allow the direct shipment of beer and distilled spirits by manufacturers. Read More

HI Tax Surcharge Held in House, Alive in Senate

Held in committee, H.B. 1618 would impose a .10 cent per drink surcharge on alcoholic beverages effective July 1, 2022. Companion legislation S.B. 2441 remains under consideration in the Senate. Read More

.05 BAC Bill Intro’d in Hawaii

H.B. 2375 and companion S.B. 2344 seek to lower the threshold blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to .05 for the offense of operating a vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant. Read More

IL Craft Tax Credit Considered in Committee

Assigned to committee, House Bill 4327 creates an income tax credit for Illinois licensed craft brewers and wine manufacturers awarded on the basis of costs related to the purchase of crops used in the manufacture of beer or wine that …Read More

Idaho Hops Promoted

House Bill 530 seeks to authorize the Idaho Hop Grower’s Commission to promote beer made with Idaho-grown hops. Read More

Displaying results 1671-1680 of 7765