Displaying results 1561-1570 of 7765

AZ Supplier-Wholesaler Relations Bill Passes Legislature

Passing both legislative chambers, Senate Bill 1248 would make it unlawful for a supplier to coerce or attempt to coerce a wholesaler to accept delivery of beer or any other commodity that has not been ordered by the wholesaler or …Read More

Retail Sales Contiguity Bill Intro’d in CA

Assembly Bill 2301 seeks to remove the requirement in existing law, which prohibits an on-sale retailer from purchasing alcoholic beverages for sale other than from specified persons, except for any alcoholic beverages manufactured by the beer manufacturer at a single …Read More

Extended Producer Responsibility Bill Heard in CO House

Subject of a committee hearing, House Bill 1355 requires the executive director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to designate a nonprofit organization to implement and manage a statewide program that provides recycling services to covered entities …Read More

CT Brewery Sales Bill Sees Action

Undergoing a number of House procedural steps, H.B. 5331, among several provisions, would authorize a brewer to sell at retail on its premises beer brewed in collaboration with another brewer; the holder of a craft cafe permit and a beer …Read More

Brewery Sales Bill Stalls in Georgia

Failing to advance from committee, S.B. 420 sought to allow unlimited sales of malt beverages to individuals on a brewer’s licensed premises (current limit is 288 ounces/individual/day) and provides for charitable donations from breweries and brewpubs. Read More

Beer Definition Expansion Amended in HI

Amended in House committee, Senate Bill 2331 seeks to expand the definition of “beer” to specify an alcohol by volume of no less than 0.5 per cent and to include alcohol seltzer beverages, while excluding certain other forms of distillation. Read More

Idaho Hops Promotion Bill Signed by Governor

Signed into law, House Bill 530 authorizes the Idaho Hop Grower’s Commission to promote beer made with Idaho-grown hops. Read More

Annette May and Ramon Tamayo Receive Inaugural Mentor of Year Award Ramon and Annette mentoring 1200x628 1

Annette May and Ramon Tamayo Receive Inaugural Mentor of Year Award

Annette May and Ramon Tamayo have been named the 2021 Brewers Association mentors of the year for their generous contributions to the mentorship program.Read More

Displaying results 1561-1570 of 7765