Displaying results 1421-1430 of 7764

Guide to Recognizing Problem Drinking recognizing problem drinking educational publication 1200x628 1

Guide to Recognizing Problem Drinking

This guide will provide you with tips for approaching the sensitive topic of problem drinking and outline resources that can help.Read More

MN Sales Expansion Bill Signed

Signed by the Governor, S.B. 3008, among many provisions, increases the annual production threshold to sell growlers from 20,000 barrels to 150,000 barrels; allows a small brewer (annual production of less than 7,500 barrels) to sell up to 128 ounces …Read More

NJ Considers RTD and Cider Tax Reduction Bill

Senate Bill 701 seeks to reduce the alcoholic beverage tax rate on cider and low-percentage alcohol by volume (ABV) liquors so that they match the tax rate for beer. Under current law, cider is taxed at $0.15 a gallon and …Read More

Alcohol Trail Bill Intro’d in NJ

Assembly Bill 3966 establishes a trail signage program for alcohol manufacturers. Read More

Cross-Category Sales Proposed in NJ

Senate Bill 2622 seeks to permit certain breweries, wineries, cideries, meaderies, and distilleries to sell each other’s products on licensed premises. Read More

Food in NJ Breweries Bill Intro’d

S.B. 2715 permits limited breweries to offer certain food to consumers and coordinate food service with certain third-party vendors. Read More

Tax Credits Considered in NJ

S.B. 2718 provides one-time, nonrefundable corporation business tax and gross income tax credits to taxpayers that are owners of alcoholic beverage manufacturers, bars, or restaurants, for eligible health and safety expenditures incurred by taxpayers during the COVID-19 state of …Read More

NY State Beer Definition Bill Forges Ahead

Passing the Assembly and returned to the Senate, S.B. 7655 seeks to amend the definition of New York State labelled beer to require that at least 60%, by weight, of its hops and at least 60% of any other ingredients, …Read More

PA Alt-Prop Bill Sent Back to Committee

Rereferred to Senate committee, H.B. 1615 provides for sales of malt beverages produced under a contract brewing or an alternating proprietorship agreement. Read More

On-Premises Sales Bill Passes Committee

Advancing from committee, House Bill 7727 would authorize manufacturer-breweries to sell up to three (3) drinks on premises per visitor per day, where a drink is defined as up to sixteen ounces (16 oz.) of beer or one and one …Read More

Displaying results 1421-1430 of 7764