Displaying results 1051-1060 of 7764

Small Pub Production Limit Bill Proposed in HI

House Bill 1458/Senate Bill 1103 would increase the volume of malt beverages, wine and liquor produced by small craft producer pub license holders. Read More

Beer Definition Change Proposed in HI

Senate Bill 717 expands the definition of “beer” under the liquor regulatory laws to mean any alcoholic beverage containing no less than 0.5 per cent alcohol by volume obtained by fermentation of any infusion or decoction of malt or any …Read More

Per Drink Surchage Advanced in Hawaii

Companion bills Senate Bill 676 and House Bill 898 seek to impose a one cent per drink surcharge based on 1.50 ounces of distilled spirits, five ounces of sparkling wine or still wine, and twelve ounces of cooler beverages, beer …Read More

Hawaii Production Increase Bill Amended

Amended in committee, S.B. 687 would increase the amount of malt beverages, wine, and alcohol that a small craft producer pub licensee may produce during the license year. For malt beverages, the amount would increase from 70.000 to 150,000 …Read More

Beer Definition Change Proposed in HI

Senate Bill 717 expands the definition of “beer” under the liquor regulatory laws to mean any alcoholic beverage containing no less than 0.5 per cent alcohol by volume obtained by fermentation of any infusion or decoction of malt or any …Read More

HI Beer Definition Expansion Advances

Amended and passing second reading, H.B. 647 expands the definition of “beer” under the State’s liquor tax and liquor regulatory laws, to specify that the term includes an alcohol by volume of no less than 0.5 per cent and alcohol …Read More

Direct Shipping Bill Intro’d in Hawaii

H.B. 1259/S.B. 1571 seek to allow direct shipment of all forms of liquor, rather than just wine, by certain licensees. Read More

AR Tasting Bill Proposed

House Bill 1380 would allow wholesaler or manufacturing representatives to conduct tasting events, reduces the relevant permit fees and increases the number and sizes of samples. Read More

Manufacturer Retail Expansion Proposed in CA

Senate Bill 269 seeks to authorize the holder of a beer manufacturer’s license, a winegrower’s license, or craft distilled spirits manufacturer’s license that holds any combination of those licenses for a single premises to have alcoholic beverages that are authorized …Read More

Low ABV RTD Retail Legislation Intro’d in CA

S.B. 277 seeks to authorize a retail package off-sale beer and wine licensee to also sell low alcohol-by-volume spirits beverages not exceeding 10 percent ABV in containers no larger than 16 ounces. Read More

Displaying results 1051-1060 of 7764