Displaying results 1041-1050 of 7763

Mixed Beverage Bill Passes Indiana House

Passing the House as amended, H.B. 1544 provides a definition for “mixed beverage” to mean a prepared cordial, cocktail, or highball that is in a can or container that holds not more than twenty-four (24) ounces of the beverage and …Read More

Indiana Craft Beverage Council Advances

Passing the House as amended, House Bill 1624 establishes the Indiana craft beverage council, the Indiana craft beverage council fund, and the Indiana craft beverage foundation fund for promotion and industry support purposes. Read More

Self-Distribution Expansion Proposed in Illinois

S.B. 2216 provides, among several provisions, that a class 3 brewer licensee who meets certain criteria may obtain a self-distribution exemption to allow the sale of not more than 77,500 (instead of 6,200) gallons of beer from each in-state or …Read More

IL Alc/Non-Alc Crossover Display Prohibition Floated

Senate Bill 2433 seeks to prohibit the display of any alcopop beverage in premises licensed to sell alcoholic liquor at retail adjacent to soft drinks, fruit juices, bottled water, candy, or snack foods portraying cartoons or youth-orientated photos. Read More

IN Equipment Sharing Bill Amended

Amended in committee, House Bill 1217 provides for a primary source of supply or wholesaler to allow a permittee on a nondiscriminatory basis to use equipment that is owned by the primary source of supply or wholesaler. The permittee may …Read More

Hawaii Tax Increase Bill Stalls

Deferred in committee, H.B. 1084 sought to increase the gallonage tax on all alcohol beverages, with beer rising from 93 cents per wine gallon on beer other than draft beer and 54 cents per wine gallon on draft beer to …Read More

.05 BAC Bill Advances in Hawaii

Passing committee, Senate Bill 160 seeks to lower the threshold blood alcohol concentration to .05 for the offense of operating a vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant. Read More

Direct to Consumer Bill Intro’d in IL

Senate Bill 2193 creates a brewer shipper’s license that allows a person with a brewer, class 1 brewer, class 2 brewer, class 3 brewer, or brewpub license or who is licensed to make beer under the laws of another state …Read More

Direct Shipping Bill Intro’d in Hawaii

H.B. 1259/S.B. 1571 seek to allow direct shipment of all forms of liquor, rather than just wine, by certain licensees. Read More

Small Pub Production Limit Bill Proposed in HI

House Bill 1458/Senate Bill 1103 would increase the volume of malt beverages, wine and liquor produced by small craft producer pub license holders. Read More

Displaying results 1041-1050 of 7763