Displaying results 1011-1020 of 7763

NY Considers Alcohol Shipping

S.B. 2852/A.B. 3132 authorize the direct intrastate and interstate shipment of liquor, cider, mead, and braggot. Read More

Tax Credits Proposed in New York

S.B. 3028 / A.B. 2954 creates a tax credit for small businesses, including breweries, that sell a certain percentage of products produced in New York state. Read More

NH Nano Brewery Location Legislation Advances

Passing out of committee, House Bill 167 removes the requirement that nano breweries manufacture beverages in a public building. Read More

Alcohol Tax Increase Bill Advances in NM

Passing committee, House Bill 230 increase liquor excise tax rates (beer is increased from .41 cents/gallon to .25 cents per twelve ounce serving) and eliminate the rate differentials for microbrewers, small winegrowers and craft distillers. Companion S.B. 259 has …Read More

Interstate Shipping Bill Intro’d in New Mexico

House Bill 343 provides for the direct interstate shipping of beer. The direct beer shipment permit would allow two twelve-quart cases of beer to be shipped monthly to a New Mexico resident who is twenty-one years of age or …Read More

NE Retail Location Bill Intro’d

L.B. 512 seeks to increase the number of retail locations a craft brewery-manufacturer licensee may operate from five to ten. Read More

Filing Date Amendment Advances in New Hampshire

Passing committee, S.B. 21 seeks to change the due date for monthly reports by licensees to the liquor commission and authorizes the commission to accept payments and reports electronically. Read More

NH Nano License Repeal Proposal Floated

Senate Bill 137 repeals the nano brewery license and provides that beverage manufacturer license holders with an annual production under 2,500 barrels shall not enter into a contract brewing arrangement with a contract brewer if the licensee does not brew …Read More

MT Satellite Locations Legislation Advances

Passed by the full House, House Bill 305 would allow manufacturers, including brewers, to own up to three retail licenses, one of which must be co-located at a manufacturing premises with two available for satellite locations. Read More

NE Franchise Modernization Proposal Gets Hearing

Scheduled for a committee hearing, L.B. 404 provides for freely negotiated contracts between small producers and wholesalers and specifies that a franchise or agreement does not mean a small producer contract entered into or renewed on or after January 31, …Read More

Displaying results 1011-1020 of 7763