Displaying results 1001-1010 of 7763

ND Minors in Taprooms Bill Amended

Amended in committee, Senate Bill 2363 seeks to allow, under certain conditions, an individual under twenty – one years of age to enter and remain in a brewer taproom. Read More

Franchise Bill Intro’d in OK

H.B. 1715 seeks to exempt brewers who manufacture less than 25,000 barrels annually from the provisions relating to the termination of beer distribution agreements, removes the ability to terminate an agreement with a beer distributor at any time by giving …Read More

Oklahoma Floats hard Seltzer Definition

S.B. 639 provides a definition of hard seltzer to mean any beverage containing more than one-half of one percent (0.50%) of alcohol by volume and obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of grain or sugar and combined with carbonated water and …Read More

ND “Diluted Beverages” Definition Bill Fails

Failing on a floor vote after being given a “do not pass” recommendation in committee, House Bill 1303 sought to provide a new definition “diluted beverages” to mean alcoholic beverages prepared from the admixture of spirits or wine with water, …Read More

Brewer Tax Credit Bill Fails to Advance in ND

Failing on a floor vote, H.B. 1504 sought to provide an alcoholic beverage tax credit for qualified microbrew pubs and brewer taproom licensees and an income tax credit for qualified brewers for certain barley purchases from in-state growers. Read More

Event Permit Changes Advances in ND

Passing the Senate, S.B. 2319 would alter the parameters of special event permits for microbrew pub and brewer taproom license holders. Read More

Brewery Supply Store Retail Bill Offered in NY

Senate Bill 3459 and Assembly Bill 3864 would allow brewery supply stores to sell New York state labelled beer for off-premises consumption. Read More

NY Brewery Retail Expansion Considered

A.B. 3821 would authorize the sale of merchandise other than beer by licensed breweries and licensed farm breweries, the operation of another business on a licensed premises, and allow licensed breweries and farm breweries to charge for tours and tastings. Read More

New York Liquor Shipping Proposed

Assembly Bill 3844 authorizes the direct intrastate and interstate shipment of liquor. Read More

Cider Shipping Bill Intro’d in NY

Companions Senate Bill 1999 and A.B. 3912 provide for direct interstate and intrastate cider shipments. Read More

Displaying results 1001-1010 of 7763