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Displaying results 61-67 of 67

Bottle Conditioning

This seminar will review bottle conditioning techniques ranging from those used by homebrewers to processes applied on a craft brewer scale. The panel’s approach will be discussed as well as other common techniques used by other brewers in the industry. Read More


Cask Ale – Keeping it Real on the Street

Cask ale is often regarded as one of the best example of the brewers art and craft. Quite often, however, it is a challenge to consistently deliver the quality and integrity this product requires at point-of-purchase. This seminar will provides …Read More


A Comprehensive Look at Sour Ale Production

A discussion of all things sour. The brewers of some well-known American sour ales will discuss the do’s and don’ts of brewing sour beer. Read More


Troubleshooting Problem Fermentations

All brewers encounter a fermentation problem at some time during their working career. Many variables exist in brewing, and the nature of a live organism performing the fermentation can make it difficult to pinpoint the cause of a fermentation issue. …Read More


Yeast Management and QA/QC for Small Breweries and Brewpubs

With the right tools and training, yeast management and quality assurance can be an easy endeavor for a small brewery or brewpub. Through his work at Capitol City Brewing Company, Micah has piloted a small, inexpensive lab at the brewery. …Read More

tnbja11 Closer look at Bretts 600x400 1
The New Brewer: Technical Brewing Issue

A Closer Look at Brettanomyces

These days it seems everyone is talking about Brett, but what makes it so fascinating is that very little knowledge exists about this yeast and its use in brewing.

Displaying results 61-67 of 67