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Displaying results 101-110 of 183

Training Successful Sales Reps

Your sales reps are on the front line, face-to-face with distributors, retailers, and consumers. Learn the most effective ways to successfully train your sales reps, whether for your home market or across the country. Read More


Crafting Package Design: Best Practices for Winning with Consumers

This seminar will offer best practices for package design specific to the craft beer category, based on recent Nielsen study findings. Liked this presentation? You can learn more about this program here. Want one of your brands included in a future audit? …Read More


Marketing 101 for the Start-up Brewery

Running a successful brewery is more than just making good beer. Learn the basics of marketing for craft brewers, including preparing for media interviews. Read More


Growing Up as a Brewery: Strategies for Staying Small and Beautiful

Most craft brewing entrepreneurs think growing up means growing big. We disagree! Craft breweries are a driving force for societal change because they give anyone the chance to create a beautiful life while creating good, local jobs. Our panel will …Read More


Craft Malting and the Rebel Alliance

Experts discuss the revolutionary power of craft malting and small-scale barley farming. Over the last 100 years, breweries have moved away from malting their own barley to buying a small number of barley varieties from a small number of producers. …Read More


Alternative Marketing for Brewpubs

This seminar will explore non-traditional methods of marketing to increase revenue, improve operations, and build brand loyalty. Industry experts will discuss their ideas including spicing up your brewery tour, partnering with local organizations, and more. Read More


Going Hopless: Brewing Gruit Ales

International Gruit Day founder Steve Beauchesne will moderate a panel of some of the brewing world’s foremost experts on gruit—beer brewed with herbs, spices, and other botanicals in place of hops. The panelists will explain the tradition of this style, …Read More

Displaying results 101-110 of 183